Arabella wouldn't be there to see it, he thought. Because by then she would be gone from his life. The divorce would be finalized and she wouldn't want anything to do with him. Why would she?

Because she might somehow love you despite the prick that you are.

But again, she wouldn't. Zoilo knew. Arabella deserves better and sadly, that wasn't him.

He entered what used to be their room and sat at the edge of the bed staring at Arabella. His heart ached when he noticed her lower eyelids were a bit swollen. Her cheeks and nose were stained red, and when he ran a thumb against her cheek, he felt the residue of what he knew were her tears. It broke his heart even further knowing she cried herself to sleep.

You did this.

He felt like shit, then again that's all he ever was. He asked himself how she was able to put up with someone like him when even he couldn't deal with himself anymore. Arabella was beautiful inside and out, he had always thought. She was forgiving, full of hope, and cheerful. She was his life and in just a matter of months he was going to lose her. She would disappear from his life and he would never see her again.

He knew he had no right to think like this. He chose to do the things he did. He lied. He cheated. He asked for the divorce. But he still loved her, he really did. That's why he was letting her go.

Zoilo placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and stood up, heading towards the door. He turned around to give her one last look before closing the door behind him. As he made his way to the kitchen, he promised himself that in this time he had left with her he would cherish her. She didn't deserve this and the least he could do was make as much of the pain go away.

•  •  •

The next morning, Arabella entered Zoilo's office.

He had a meeting to attend that morning and had asked her to find the files for a property he was thinking of buying. She looked at his desk, but there weren't any files about a property.

As she continued to look around his office, she sighed. She couldn't find the file he asked for anywhere in his office. Zoilo must have left it at home or something, Arabella thought.

She gave one last look around the room. She notice the drawer on his desk. Very unlikely place but maybe.

So she checked. Bingo!

She pulled out the file and closed the drawer.

Arabella paused before reaching once more for the handle of the drawer. As she opened the drawer again, her mind was trying to process what she had just seen.

Once the item was in sight, she frowned.

She wasn't blind, but she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She placed the file on the desk and reached into the drawer, pulling out the small sealed wrapper. Why does he-

As soon as she began to ask herself why he had a sealed condom, she looked at the date written on the package. It was expired and for quite some time.

Instantly, her face grew hotter. While the memories of her and Zoilo's activities in his office in the beginning of their marriage flossed her thoughts, her heart felt nothing but pain.

Arabella removed some of the shredded documents from inside his trash can and threw the sealed wrapper inside, placing the shredded papers on top. She grabbed the file and exited his office, making her way towards her assistant.

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