Chapter 46: Forced

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She came from above, her flames quickly extinguishing while the momentum continued to push her forward. Emily raised her fist as it quickly ignited into a bright orange flame, hot enough to not be bothered by the heavy rain. Below her were dozens of colorless with batlike wings and thick horns by their noses. They look above as their mouths glow brightly before they open up to shoot a fireball at Emily. Too many Firebats. Guess I'll push out a little bit extra Xorlaz. She figured as she continued falling downwards while withstanding the flaming hot bolts from below, mumbling to herself in a sharp tone, "Verbrennungssäule." 

(Combustion Pillar)

Her flaming fist became brighter as a trace of flames followed behind her, hitting all the Colorless she could get underneath. As she hit the ground, the trace of flames erupted into a pillar, combusting and extending out to all other Firebat Colorless' nearby. In another few seconds, the flames extinguished with Emily walking out from the traces of smoke and burning concrete beneath her. She looked at her left hand as the symbol of her Xorlaz continued to glow brightly. 

Something sped past behind Emily as she turned to see an ice path in the air, Zack called out to her from her right as he sled down the slope, "Emily, spare the Xorlaz and hop on." He leaned forward to produce the most aerodynamic speed with his posture, skating past Emily like an arrow and moving between the city buildings. Without hesitation, Emily ran up to the edge of the rooftop and leaped onto the ice slide. She would have slipped and fallen on the ice but moments before she landed, she got flashes of images and knowledge in her mind, making the motor-functions in her mind to become incredibly proficient in keeping her body balanced under all obstacles. 

She landed without slipping and kicked her feet forward down the slope, gaining speed and she catches up behind Zack. Like a wild rollercoaster, Zack created trails going right to left and around the city. Other CoDas followed after them using their abilities to maneuver through this labyrinth of buildings. A Colorless with a body of a lion and head of a falcon flew down to attack Zack with its sharp talons.  

A large piece of flew up from the ground and knocked the Colorless away, he looked to his left to see a pillar of rocks erupting from the ground and launching off a CoDa towards the hybrid Colorless. They flew over Zack while shouting out to him and Emily, "Keep moving, we'll take care of them in this area!"

Zack grinned a little, he bantered "It's not like we needed your help anyway, Dunmir!"

Dunmir slammed the Colorless onto the building windows and replied, "Yeah right! You couldn't even take on a DryWorm back in Malmö! You owe me a game of Vändåtta after this."

Zack faintly snickered, "I hope I can hold on to that debt."

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The Distant Storm Arc: Forced
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Nathan gripped the man's arm, returning the sharp glare, "I don't know who the hell you are but if you don't let go of me this instant, you will regret it."

"Tch." The man growled as he let of Nathan's shoulder, "Of course, you don't know. You're a selfish prick who thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants just because his uncle is a police officer."

Nathan quickly found distaste for this man, his hands forming into a fist. Don't fall for it. Ignore him, Nathan felt an uplifting energy in his chest as held himself back and took a deep breath. A little faint voice echoed in his mind, Remember your vow. He decided to walk through the crowd and ignore the man.

He threatened Nathan, "Hey, I'm talking to you! What the hell are you doing here? What connection do you have with Anna, huh!?"

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