9. Beyond

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Fluffy white magnolia ice cream rolled across the sky sluggishly as the wind buffeted it and pushed it against its will. Finally, the creamy clouds fell and promptly drenched the whole world. The world couldn't take the full force of tonnes of water, so it collapsed and died.

The wind, feeling guilty for causing the destruction of the world, sent a firewall back in time that burnt the world down by accident. Again, it felt guilty, but there was no again, for the future had never happened, and instead it sent a brick wall back in time. But the brick wall was too heavy and pierced through the core of the Earth, releasing lots of water in the process. The world flooded and died.

The clouds, angry at the mistakes of the wind, decided to send a tsunami back in time instead. The tsunami tore at the earth, ripping development into shreds and assisting the clouds in releasing their steam. The tsunami stopped abruptly because the wind opposed.

The clouds and the wind clashed against each other, but neither could persist, for they were too strong for their own good, and they had caused too much destruction in the world they were supposed to protect.

In the end, they laid down their arms and gave up their powers, their control. In that moment, they had transcended themselves and the world no longer had to suffer from their rage.

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