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Fawfull: * flying in his new invention * Hello everyone!, Today I bring you an interview with the boys koopa Aly and Alois koopa !!!, welcome tell us what you feel to be here?

Aly: forced * smile *

Fawfull: hahahah stop being so funny !!!

Alois: It's the truth, everyone knows what you do.

Fawfull: Okay ... let's start with the questions from the audience! ahem ... ahem ... Araceli Carrillo villela asks what is your story?

Aly: we do not have a great story but it all starts when our parents the ice princess and the most playful koopalings of all fall in love and decide to stop two little koopa twins !!

Alois: We really do not have something tragic or something really heartbreaking like killing someone or something.

Aly: it's just us with our nomar lives. * smile *

Fawfull: fence ... how boring ... ahem ... Vanessa Big busts asks What is the most sentimental event you have experienced / experienced?

Aly: mmm ... the mascot of our cousin tells ?, it was eaten by the same son of her and that really was very ugly since we loved it a lot ...

Alois: I do not know if you meant that sister ... well, we really do not have something like that in our lives since everything has been really good!

Fawfull: how boring x2! .... emm ... blah blah blah ... this is good !, get us out of this doubt! Galahxy Elektra asks Do you dye your hair or is it natural?

Aly: natural! no joke * laughs * we did not dye them when they were little.

Alois: Sep and went sneaking out of our parents.

Aly: our natural color good in my case is purple.

Alois: and mine is the blonde.

Aly: when we were little we were very naughty, just as the length of my brother's hair is not natural, it was thanks to a spell from our cousins' book.

Alois: that was secret !!!

Aly: upps hehehe

Fawfull: I knew that was not natural !!!!

Aly and Alois: 7-7 ......

Fawfull: emm ... Maria Mora asks: Any trauma?

Alois: mine would be the moths ..

Fawfull: the ... moths ????

Alois: as a child I swallowed one ... that was horrible !!!

Aly: that's phobia ...

Alois: then to have a moth get in my throat again !!!

Fawfull: emm ..... okay .. ?? and your Aly?

Aly: to become my aunt's experiment ... * Chills *

Fawfull: interesting ... emm ... we have a special reporter who will ask some questions, let's welcome the reporter Keyla Mora !!


keyla * enters *: Guys, being here. I must tell you that I love your colorful hair.

Aly: awww thank you very much !.

Alois: aww that's so nice of you!

keyla: But now, moving on to the important thing. I want to know how they feel to be taken as the center of so many questions, to be such an original and tender spice in this world of fan character.

Aly: well I feel harassed hahahaha we really did not want to be here and it really gives us some grief * smiles *

Alois: out of that pos well.

Aly: we have seen many koopas in other places really more original than us so I do not know if we could call ourselves originals?

Alois: but we will take the compliment of tender so thank you for that nice, on the other hand I have not seen koopas in this site so I guess you mean that, taking in that if so ... we feel good?

keyla: well that's all from me, goodbye! * disappears *

* they pause *

Fawfull: good coming back with the questions emm ... Martha Torres says .. Any trauma from your childhood? What do you like? What are your powers if you have? What is your story? Why did my kid eat>: ^ (?

Aly and Alois: 0-0

Aly: good to the first one and we answered it ...

Alois: moths !!!!

Aly: we like the circus, in my case the handsome boys 7u7, play with our ball, the cute animals, fuck our cousins, etc.

Alois: moths !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aly: We have ice powers, we can freeze that kind of thing and launch blue fire that freezes.

Alois: MOTHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aly: that we already answered it at the beginning and I did not eat your gansito ...]


Fawfull: Facundo sarroca asks If they run and they fit on their back spikes slow them down or break them?

Alois: everything depends, if we fall down nothing will happen, if it is with force we will remain stuck in the ground.

Aly: it depends on the terrain too, if it's hard ground they slow down, if it's slowed down it brakes or slips and if it's strong and semented it will break.

Fawfull: finally Barbara Ailen asks them ...

1) Do you both have something that you think of as a gift?

2) They are super cute! Ajshaj ~ Are your hair natural or have you painted it?

3) Do you have a partner?

4) What do they hate? In general.

Aly: well .. my ice power can be a gift?

Alois: yes our powers!

Aly: aww thank you very much! and they are painted * smiling *

Alois: thanks! and if they are painted.

Aly: at the moment no ... nobody loves us; -;

Alois: nobody accepts us for a couple ono

Aly: the reguetton music of the time of now ... a lot of sex till the youngest kids perre !!

Alois: the people who mistreat the animals !.

Fawfull: you guys have already heard !, this was the interview with the koopa twins, soon it will be the princess koopa Luna!

Interview made by fawfullWhere stories live. Discover now