Chapter 2

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"Good morning Beyonce" my coworker Jared said.

"Good morning Jared" I replied walking down the hall to my office.

Working as a parole officer can be so stressing. Especially when you get knew people or one of your clients is going down the wrong path even while being on parole.

Looking at my appointment book I noticed I have a new client named Onika Maraj. She is supposed to be here in a hour so while i wait for her I'll catch up on some other work.

Logging into my computer I decided I would go through my files and emails in my free time.


A knock interrupted me from replying to an email.

"Come in" I said loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear.

The door opened and a beautiful light skinned girl with black hair walked in. She closed the door and stood close by it.

"You can sit in the chair, what's your name?" I asked smiling

"Onika Maraj" she said looking me up and down but not in a bad way.

My smile slightly dropped because I cant pursue a relationship with her even if I wanted to because she is a client. I smiled before going over the basics with her.

"Okay well Onika im Beyonce your parole officer for the next year or so"

"Okay so is there anything in specific I need to do?"

"Just stay out of the way of the law and you should be good" I said smiling.

She smiled back flexing her dimples. She looled at me before talking again. "I know this isnt appropriate but you are so fucking beautiful Bey, if I can call you that"

"Thank you and that's fine " I said blushing.

We stared at each other for a while before I cleared my throat. I folded my hands on my desk lean up some before speaking.

"If you dont have any questions or concerns you are free to go" I said softly.

"How about we get to know each other before I leave?" She requests. I nod telling her to ask away.

"So Bey how old are you? Are you single? Do you have any kids?" She asked at one time.

"I'm 27, yes I'm single, and I don't have any kids, my turn." I said smiling.

"How old are you, do you have any kids,and what your favorite color "

"I'm 28 no kids and my favorite colors are pink and blue " she said poking out her dimples.

"Well no more questions see you next week Ms.Maraj" I said standing up walking to my door and opening it.

As I was walking past her I heard her mumble a low 'damn' causing me to blush. I opened the door expecting her to walk out but instead she pulled me into a hug.

She smelled so good and her skin was so smooth. I hugged her back before stepping out of her grip and clearing my throat.

"Goodbye beyoncé " she said smiling.

I watched her walk down the hall and onto the elevator. I can already tell she is going to be one of those clients that hit on me and honestly I think I'll let her do as she please as far as flirting.

All my other clients that flirt with me get shut down immediately but its something about Onika. I think willing to take a risk on her.

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