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(A quick thank you to everyone whos read this so far, i probably wouldn't have gone past chapter 3 if it wasnt for your support)
"What the Hell!" Issei shouts as we look over the run down pool "Well it hasn't been used in awhile so we took up the responsibility of cleaning it, plus we get to use it before everyone else" Rias explained as Issei got very excited at the idea of seeing girls in swimsuits. "Yay i love cleaning pools! Cleaning pools is what i live for! Raise you hand if you like cleaning pools!" Issei yelled excited sticking his hand in the air. "Raise your hand if your being a pervert" Shirone said in her regular monotone voice, "Yay! G-strings and titty slings!" Issei practically shouted to the heavens as i walked up to him and smacked him upside the head. "Inside voice" i told him and Shirone walked over to us "You didn't him hard enough" she commented punching him into the ground, i gave her a chocolate bar and she smiled and accepted it. Grabbing Issei by the legs i told him "If you love cleaning pools so much then get in there" before tossing him into the slimy old pool water and everyone laughed.
After a couple of hours of cleaning the pool we had it done thanks to the use of magic and I'm currently changing into swimwear as Kiba speaks up "Issei i just want to say i'm sorry for running before, and i'll do my best to be a reliable friend!" He told him as they exchanged words and i got finished changing. "By the way Y/N when i transferred my boosts to you how did you change?" Issei asked as i turned to him "Thanks to my sacred gear i constantly evolve, such as when i consumed Alucard i gained his vampiric properties or when i consumed Kokobiels wings i gained some more" i explained "perhaps that why i could use Excaliber mimic" i continued before walking out of the changing room and staring out at the fixed pool filled with clean water.
Suddenly Shirone walked up to me looking a little nervous " Y/N could you... teach me... how to swim?" She asked as i place my ha d on her shoulder to cheer her up "Of course!" I answers smiling as she returned with a smile of her own as i climbed in the pool as she followed suit as i grabbed her hands and started walking backwards "Okay now start kicking your legs" i told her as she did it following the pattern repeating 1,2 1,2 under her breath until we hit the other end and turned around repeating it a couple times before she could do it on her own.
Sitting on the her edge with my feet dangling in the water i hear foot steps behind me and turn to see Akeno in a skimpy two piece swimsuit "What do you think of my swimsuit Y/N~?" she asked finishing with a sultry tone "Meh" i answered turning back around leaving a dissapointed Akeno pouting behind me before walking back up to me and wrapping her arms around my chest and pressing her breasts on my back "C'mon Y/N don't be so cold" she says whining. Grabbing her arms i pry them off me and flip her over my ahoulders into the pool, she resurfaces glaring at me "Sorry not interested" i tell her as i get up amd walk over to Rias whos sunbathing "Hey Rias have you seen Xenovia?" I ask her as she looks up "Last time i saw het She was still changing" she answered as i nodded and walked to the girls changing room knock on the door "Hey Xenovia you okay?" I ask "Yeah it's just diificult, its my first swimsuit" she answers as her lack of appearance now makes sense.
Suddenly she opens the door and drag me in the changing room and she shoves me on one of the benches and straddles my waist "Please give me a baby" she asks as i just get confused "What? Why?" I ask confused as she doesnt get off "Now that I'm not with the church i don't have a purpose so i to become a mother" she explained as i tried to puah her of me but grabbed my wrist "why me" i questioned "i want to have a strong baby and seeing as you took down Kokobiel easily while we couldnt even hurt him, i think you'd be the perfect father" she told me. Getting fed up i forced her off me and sat up "Am- am i not good enough?" She question lowering her head, grabbing her chin and raising it to look at me i spoke "Anyone would be luck to have you, but i'm already in a relationship" i explained letting go of her face and got up walkimg to the door "c'mon we've kept the others waiting long enough" i offered as i opened the door only to see Rias and Akeno flying around blasting magic at eachother and i quickly shut the door "maybe we should wait till they've calmed down" i stated as she giggled at their antics and we sat down. "What do you think they're fighting about?" Xenovia pondered "Knowing them... probably Issei" i answered as we waited for them to stop and eventually they did as we walked out to see the mess of the pool we had recently fixed.
I feel my anger rising up as all that time we just spent working was wasted by two people who barely did anything, "HEY!" i yelled getting everyones attention " What the hell caused this?" I questioned as everyone pointed to Rias and Akeno who are looking at me with fear. "Why the FUCK did you this?" I asked them as they just kept their heads down "WELL!" I shouted as they flinched only for someone to speak up "They were fighting over the pervert" Shirone answered begrudgingly as they turned to look at her in shook only for me to grab their heads and turn them to look at me "Don't blame her. She did the right thing. So follow her example and tell me why" i ordered them as they stuttered out "Issei" and "Suncream" among other words they wouldn't for as i let go of their heads and stomped of to the changing room "Fuck you, fuck you, you're cool and fuck you i'm out" i shouted pointing to Rias then Akeno followed by Shirone who gave me a thumbs up the finally towards Issei as i went to the changing room so i could leave.
Walking put the school entrance i see Vali waiting outside the gates and he just winks at me so i remain silent and keep walking when i hear him speak up "Hello Issei" he says as i turn around and see Issei and i stand there and watch, "hey you're that guy from the Kokobiel fight" he exclaims as Vali chuckles "That i am, but do you really know who i am?" He asks as Issei shakes his head "I am Vali Lucifer, the white dragon emperor" he announces as Issei gains a shocked expression "do you know What happena when two dragons fight?" Vali asks "Mass destruction" Issei answers as Vali chuckles again "One dies" He tells him as Kiba and Xenovia dash towards him and hold there swords at his neck "Your jokes gone on far enough don't you think?" Kiba asks as both their hands are shaking as i walk up to them and push their swords away as they turn to me shocked at my action "I suggest you not try to harm someone who is many times more powerful then you and i" i tell them as i attempt to justify my action as Vali waves us of and goes away through a transportion circle.
"All right everyone it's time i introduce you to my other Bishop" Rias announces as we walk infront of Gaspers door and she releases a seal on his door "Where?" Issei asks "In here" Rias answers and knocks on the door "Gasper, you can come out now" Rias tells him "No, it's scary outside" he shouts from inside. "Rias what was all that commotion the other day?" I ask her as she sighs "That was my brother, he came for open house along with Sonas sister but he was the one who gave me permission to release Gasper" she told finishing on a happy tone as Shirone kicked open his doors as we all looked at him "WHOA ANOTHER CUTE BLONDE GIRL!!!" Issei shouted as i smacked him upside the head "Inside voice" i told him as he clutched his head in pain "Actually Gasper is a bot" Issei was told as he slumped his head down as Gasper tried hide from everyone.
"Perhaps we should let Gasper come out on his accord" i offer as Rias just shakes her head and suddenly Shirone picks up Gasper and they all go to the main room.
Xenovia and Koneko have been 'Training' Gasper by chasing him with Garlic and Durandal but in the end Gasper hiding in his room and i'm just sitting outside. "So Gasper i'm sorry for what happened today" i say trying to apologise for the others actions "No it's fine i'm just to scared of my own powers" he told me "Anyone can bee scared of their own powers, i'll help you properly if you need, if not for you... then do it for me" i offered as he opened his door slightly and peaked his head out "r-really?" He Asked as i just smiled and nodded as her smiled back "but first, can i come in? The floors pretty uncomfortable" i asked as he laughted slightly as opened it enough for me and i walked in and he closed it. "So what i want you to focus on is stopping an object in my hand so its floating" i told as he nodded and i picked up a pen and he used his sacred gear as a light surrounded a pen and i let go and it stopped in the air as he got excited "I did it!" He exclaimed happily and let it fall to the floor. "Good job now lets move onto the next step"

(Lemme know what you think)

Blacklight And The Cat {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ