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"Someone's getting fired," Reed Adamson said under her breathe, but the room was so quiet that everyone could hear it. "Stop it," April Kepner snapped. They were two of the other Mercy West residents who transferred to our hospital."How long is this gonna take?" Alex asked in frustration. Izzie had gotten fired and just left, so Alex spent almost all day trying to reach her, so it wasn't hard to understand his impatience.

"Why? You need to make a phone call?" Jackson mocked which set Alex off. That's when all the tension in the air finally snap causing all hell to break loose. Alex jumped up and started to go after Jackson while Jackson did the same to him. I immediately grabbed onto Alex's arm and managed to hold him back with the help of about half the other people in the room. Everyone else was either screaming at eachother or trying to settle everyone down.

"That's enough!" Chief Webber yelled, making everyone stop what they were doing and look at him. "What happened here tonight, what happened to that patient was unacceptable! We're going to be here until I find out who is responsible for it. So, until then, you'll sit down, you'll shut up and you'll wait to be called."

Everyone started to go back to their original spots. I was seating to the right of Alex, just in case he got angry again. "Dr. Hunt," Webber called and motioned for Owen to follow him into his office.

I took this time to glance at Alex. His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists. "Alex, he's not worth it. Let it go," I say while sending Jackson a glare to show that I was actually mad.

Avery's expression changed to something that resembled confusion, but he really just looked hurt by what I said. I looked away before he said or did anything else. I've had enough of him for one day.

Once Dr. Hunt came out of the office, I was called in. "Dr. Montgomery. This is Larry Jennings from our board. Now could you please tell us what happened. Start from the beginning."

E A R L I E R   T H A T   D A Y

I walked into the ER. There had been a fire at a hotel, so I was paged to come and help with whatever I could. There were dozens of patients waiting to be helped who were just sitting there, so I went to go see what I could do.

"You've got a burn victim and her kid. Take your pick," Dr. Hunt said as he handed me both of their charts. I nodded and kept walking until I heard my name. "Dr. Montgomery, over here!" Dr. Shepherd called out. I started towards him, wondering what I was supposed to do with the other two patients.

"We can help!" I heard someone say, so I handed off the charts and kept walking, not even bothering to look at who I gave them to. "Thanks!" I said over my shoulder as I caught up to Derek.

I worked with some of his patients until Alex called me over. "Lia! Can you help me for a second?" He asked, dragging me away from my surgeries with his phone in his hand. "What is it?" I asked, only complying because of what happened to him and Izzie.

"Can you stitch him up?" He asked, walking away before I could even answer. I roll my eyes and go over to the big guy sitting with ice to his forehead. He was on of the new residents from Mercy West that I didn't know the name of.

"What happened to you?" I asked sarcastically while quickly starting on his stitches. I really wanted to get back to my surgeries. The guys sighed in frustration. "I didn't eat a cookie after giving blood. I passed out," he simply stated making me remember him from earlier.

"Come on, Alex. She's just going through a tough time. She'll come back when she's ready," I console my heartbroken friend. I was sitting next to him bed while he was getting ready to give blood.

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