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The room is getting dark and mina is still in her black dress. she just got back from her mother funeral. she know that his stepfather must be already informed abt her mother death. he's going to find her.

he's always burdensome to the family. he even beat up her mother when she's alive. Mina is really scared.


"mina!!! open the door!!!" shout her stepfather. mina shake her head and cry slowly.

The door open... There standing her stepfather. He grab mina's hair. Mina cried. "let me go!" shout mina. He drag her to his car. "let you go? Of course not! You must help me mina! Help me to pay my debt."laugh her stepfather. Mina cried.

She know that he will sell her. He wanted to do it when her mother still alive but got stopped by her mother. Now, no one will help her. She have no one anymore.

She cried throughout the journey. She dont even know where the evil old man bring her. Suddenly, they stop in front of a club. Mina keep refusing but her stepfather is too strong to be resist. He drag her inside. She got dizzy by the smell of alcohol.

He took her to a room. There standing some men. "here, i want to sell her to you for my debt." said her stepfather. Mina kneel while crying. The men laughed. A man stand up and kneel in front of mina. He cupped mina's face.

"oh, she's beautiful. They will pay for a high price for you." laugh that man. Mina shake her head. "okay, you can leave her here." mina's stepfather smirk and after taking his money he left her.

"get her ready. Those men will be here tonight." order the man. Mina taken to a room. There a woman is waiting for her. "what are they going to do to me?" ask mina. "they will sell you to those men. You are pretty. You deserve to be there tonight. One of those rich men will buy you." mina shake her head. "no, please save me. Take me out from here. I dont want to be here miss. Please, help me." cried mina.

The woman sigh. "listen new girl, no one wanted to be here. If you are lucky enough, a good man will buy you and set your freedomness. If only you are lucky. Well, no one know your fate, new girl." said the woman.

Mina look down. She got dress sexily that evening. Mina has stop crying since she know... There's no more reason for her to stay. She decide to just follow her fate.

*that night*
" bro, you're here? "tease mingyu. Wonwoo look around." i'm bored just by staying at the house. " replied wonwoo. Mingyu laughed." oh really?! Well, it's just weird since you never come to this kind of place. Thinking to buy some 'toys', huh? " tease mingyu again." i dont think so, i will just want to see you guys and avoid from staying at house."

Mingyu nod and offer him inside the a luxurious room.there are 11 men inside. They greet wonwoo. In front of them is a big stage. Around them are rooms that full with rich men whether young or old.

After some bidding," Chou Tzuyu! " the men look at the girl in front of them. Mingyu attracted to that girl. "she look innocent. Poor girl." said jun. Mingyu bid on her with high price cause there's this old man want to buy her too.

"nice." said wonwoo. Mingyu smile. Then, "Myoui Mina" mina slowly go to the stage. She just give her blank expression.

??? POV

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