Depression deep in my heart

4 0 0

Blood everywhere

Tears shaped like pears

Fall to the ground

My heart shattered

All torn and battered

But it will still pound

It will pound for you

All I want is a small "I love you"

But no, you will never say it

You don't care one bit

But at the same time, I don't want you to go

Blood flows easily off my chest

Like a runner at his best

I am in pain everyday

But nobody will know it

I won't let it

slip away...

I don't want anyone to know

But words in my mind grow

I don't know if I can hold it

I am mute

I keep my thoughts like hidden loot

And my teeth starts to grit

No one will believe me anyway

My words to them are gloomy and grey

I am just an It

I do open my mouth sometimes

but my throat closes up like i ate limes


I am forever alone in my abyss

Never to encounter bliss


Nobody wants me

Everyone just let me be


At times I want to be left alone

To be in my room at home


But I do need a person to help me

A person to help me see

The world around me

Maybe I try too hard to be normal

I don't need to be so formal


Perhaps The world is not so heartless

And now that I look, there was no blood on the grass

That was pure water

Water feeding the plants

With bright leaves reaching like hands

The air is full of laugher

People having the time of their lives

And there is never the word goodbye


I look around and I see you

I search your eyes but there is no blue


I step closer to see better

But a girl is faster


She runs to you and you smile

You gather her in your arms as she says "hi"

But... I stand beside you trying to believe

But don't you look, as I'm slowly grieving

What happened here?

Sudden realization hit me, why he is with her

The very thought in my tired mind burns

They settle the dread

I am no longer here anymore

I am lost forever because of me thinking poorly

I am Dead...

The Big Scary DoorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang