The Big Scary Door

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The big scary Door:

That scary door

Keep staring at me

Standing there in red

Just looking at me

I'm scared to open it

To see what's in the back

I'm scared to know

What's hidden behind?

That big scary red door

As I grab the door knob

To open it my knees flinch

And they felt like Jell-O

I was scared

As I opened it

Butterflies started to

Make their way to my stomach

That door was leading

To my futur

That big scary red door

Led to my mom’s grave

Where I could tell every bird in the sky were sad

And every animal were crying

That big red door

I was sad to know that I opened it

Once before I was scared

Now I’m sad

That big scary door

Once kept a secret

Now revealed to me

A powerful secrete

Tears ran down my chin

Because of that door

Future revealed to me

My knees stopped functioning

And turned to Jell-O

Sad of my mom’s death

Mad because of that door

I wish I could go back in time

To make the choice of turning away  

From that big scary door

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