Chapter 1

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Phil grumbled angrily as he chased a certain winter spirit down the stairs of North's workshop. Even though Jack no longer had to break into the workshop to explore, he still enjoyed making Phil's life miserable. At least that's how Phil saw it. Jack thought of it more as 'innocent' pranks. Because spilling purple paint onto to Phil's head was really 'innocent'!

Jack cackled as he quickly dashed into the globe room. He knew he was safe here because Phil wouldn't dare cause a scene in front of the other guardians! Jack stuck his tongue out at him as he gave him a look that said 'this isn't over' and then stomped off.

"Having 'fun' with Phil again I see."

Jack turned around and gave North a toothy grin "Only a little." With a skip he jumped into the air and landed on a window sill near the other Guardians. "So what are you guys working on?" Sandy rapidly started flashing images over his head. "Uh..." Jack tried his hardest to figure out what the meant but he gave up. "I don't know what any of that means."

Tooth chuckled as Sandy huffed "What Sandy was trying to say, is that since it's almost November we were helping North get ready for Christmas."

North smiled broadly "This Christmas has to be the biggest Christmas ever! After the situation with Pitch we need to make sure that the children continue to believe." He went to pat Jack on the shoulder, but he quickly took a step back. After about a month of Jack being there they learned that for some reason he always hated to be touched. You would think that for someone who had gone centuries without physical contact that he would love it. Instead he always shied away as if they were going to hit him or something!

Bunny, oblivious to the whole awkward moment, snorted "Especially after the Easter fiasco!" Jack instantly looked down at the ground in shame. It was all his fault. The other Guardians noticed this and instantly shot glares at Bunny. "Oi... Mate that's not what I meant I..." he struggled to find the right words.

North took this opportunity to change the subject. "Actually Jack I'm glad you're here. I had a favor to ask of you." Jack instantly looked up. He was willing to do anything to make up for what he had done on Easter. "I was wondering if you could make it a white Christmas." Jack looked at him confused. He usually did that anyway. "But not just any white Christmas." North continued "I want there to be snow on the lawn of every single child's house in the world."

Jack started coughing in shock "Snow?! Everywhere?! I could never get all of that done in one day! Why... I would have to start now to get it everywhere!"

"Is that a problem?" North asked hopefully.

"No..." Jack rubbed the back of his neck nervously "It's just it's not technically MY season yet..."

Bunny chuckled "And that's ever stopped you before?"

Jack's cheeks flushed as frost started to form "Easter of '68 was an accident; I'm really not supposed to mess with the other seasons..."

"Please Jack?" North looked at him with his big pleading eyes. "This would really help make this year's Christmas that much better."

Jack sighed "I'll see what I can do..."

North cheered and gave him a big hug "Thank you Jack! This will be the best Christmas ever!"

Jack smiled "No problem. Well I'd better get going if I'm going to send snow to the entire world! Man... just saying that out loud makes my head hurt."

The other Guardians laughed "Don't strain yourself too much." Tooth warned.

Jack grinned "I won't!"

"Tooth's right Jack." North added "Once you've finished come back to the Pole and we all shall have a huge feast in honor of the Christmas to come!"

Jack gave him a mock salute as he opened the window. "Will do!" And with that he called the wind to his aid and he flew out the window.

~Time skip~

Jack landed down on his pond in Burgess and it slowly started to freeze under his feet. "If someone is going to get snow early, I might as well give Jamie a couple extra snow days!" And with that he excitedly started to run through the town and cover it in frost, snow, sleet, anything cold!

By the time he was satisfied with his work, the sun was starting to set. He was about to head to the Pole when he heard someone come up behind him.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Frost?!"

He turned around and his heart skipped a beat. There before him stood the three other season spirits. And they did not look happy.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it so far. I update every weekend so see you then! :) Bye!)

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