Chapter Two- Whoops

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The breakfast was very silent for the first ten minutes. Then Sherlock decided to talk.

"Maybe you could work with me. John just told me he can't work for the next year because of his wife being pregnant. It's 'an important time' and 'the husband needs to take care of his wife.' And other things like that." Sherlock told Bethany. His voice has a trace of something. Not anger, not sadness but something else. She began to laugh.

"Sherlock. Are you jealous that Mary gets to hang out with John more than you do?" Beth leans over the table, tilting her head as she asks Sherlock.

"Bethany. Don't be absurd. Of course not. They're married. They need to have their own time. I don't own John." He quickly snaps. He stands up and storms around the corner.

"Sherlock! I was only joking!!" She shout. Beth runs after him and spots him at the door of the flat. She runs over to the door, but trips on one of the steps. She falls onto Sherlock, her lips pressed against his and she pulls herself away. Bethany looses her balance and plops onto the steps. Her face turns a bright red. Sherlock stands like a statue, gently stroking his bottom lip. Bethany regains her strength and quickly stands up.

"Sherlock, I am so sorry. It was a complete accident and I di-" she begins but Sherlock cuts her off.

"I think I'm going to go to my room now." Sherlock's voice is high-pitched and he avoids eye contact with Bethany. He quickly opens the door and rushes into his room. Bethany does the same.

"What just happened?" Bethany asks herself repeatedly as she paces back and forth in her room.


Sherlock quickly slammed his door shut and hears Bethany pacing in the room above.

"What just happened?" Her voice repeats, muffled by the wood.

He asks himself the same thing. Is she as shocked as he is? Did she plan this? Of course she didn't. She turned a bright red and apologized right away. He couldn't believe that just happened. He hoped that this doesn't affect her decision on her working with him.

Why did he react that way? He's been kissed before. Maybe this one was a surprise? Was it even a kiss? It wasn't planned and we ended right away.

"Damn it." He finds himself saying. This may make her want to leave. She has to stay. He couldn't be alone. John is gone, and she is all he has. Besides...... Mycroft.

She needs to stay. But how will he prevent her from leaving?

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