Last Letter for Yoo

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Jeongyeon, Thank you for everything. Thank you for guiding me and comforting me in my downs. Thank you because you bring joy to my life. You bring colors to my devoid life. Thank you for making me smile every day, hours, minutes and seconds. Thank you for dedicating your sweet songs for me.

If ever we could be together again, I will express my real love for you. I will make you feel like forever really exists. It will start wirh you and me right? I finally accepted everything. It was really hard, because it's also hard to face a new day without you. I will start living by myself again. . . But I know that you're always by my side and you'll never leave me behind right my Jeongie?

Even though there will be guys who will be courting me, I won't mind them. I don't care 'bout them, because it's only you I care about. You're the one who give meanings to my life, So I will not replace you, never. Help me face each day, okay Jeongyeon?
Let's face each day with each other.

Please give me a sign that you're guiding me. Give me a big warm hug from you. I just miss everything about you that's it.
I will just write all my emotions in this letter for you, My last letter for you. Because, I'm done accepting the truth. Thr truth that you're not coming back anymore, but I know that you're here always.

I really really really love you my dear. I love the smiles, I love everything about you, Yoo Jeongyeon. I can feel your presence by the gifts you gave me. I can now feel your warm hug, and thank you for that Jeongyeon. I'm starting a new life. I'll be facing each day with a smile again.

I know someday, we'll be feeling each other's kisses and hug again. I'll wait for that someday to come, Jeongie. And I'm ready to face it and I'm really excited to see you again. In my problems, I know everything will be okay because you're here. You're living presence is here in my heart.

I will always have positive thoughts because I can feel you. I always think about you, our laughter. The Valentines Days, The Christmas Program and the first day we met. And also the way you took me into rides, Everything is so fun. My life would be complete again by those memories and thoughts with you.

And our pictures together that last for eternally. I love you and I hope we'll meet again very soon. My Yoo Jeongyeon.

Truly Yours,
Minatozaki Sana .

Letters For You (Yoo) » jeongsaWhere stories live. Discover now