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Yuzuru's short program feels amazing. He recalls a tiny imperfection in the last spin combo, but after such a long period of sitting out of competition, this is a blessing that he would gladly accept. Everything is in their places, from the starting order, warm up, theme color of the stadium, never-waning cheer from the audience to his program. His heart swells, his ankle seeming not to bother him too much, his heart racing, pumping adrenaline around his body and his ears filled with admiring cheer. Yuzuru knows he is on the right track. Sitting with Brian on one side and Ghislain on the other and wiping his sweat, he impatiently waits for his score. When the number of 111.68 is announced, his two coaches are overjoyed. They constantly pat his back, grab his hand and shake it many times. He has to admit being so close to beating his WR again is a little bit disappointing, but it is not the time for smashing records right now as much as he wants to do that, as Brian has reminded him often enough, so he smiles, and makes the gesture of 1-1-1, earning laugh and squeal from the audience. He is eager to do more in the free and hoping his physical condition will allow him to pull through, because he needs to make it this time. It must be this time, he silently prays, as he has retreated to backstage to watch other competitors.

Yuzuru winces with genuine surprise when he watches Nathan's performance, for the younger man has beaten him twice with his consistent quads. He makes a mental note to give the guy a consoling pat when he comes back here, if he does, for he understands how scary pressure can be, and the distressing effect it can inflict on people. Nathan ends up not coming to his place, so he continues with others' performances. Everyone does fairly well, and the final 3 skaters are coming up soon. Yuzuru checks the screen for the order, which would be Shoma, then Javi, and finally Boyang. Shoma does very well, putting him in 2ndplace with 2 other skaters to go, which makes Yuzuru very proud, and he would like Shoma to be on the podium with him as well, because that brings glory to their country, and makes people happy. As Shoma arrives in the waiting room, he pulls the younger Japanese into a tight hug, accompanied by "おめでとう"to congratulate him, whiles Shoma blushes, lets out an embarrassed all scrunched-nose smile while thanking him. Javi music is starting by the time they settle in front of the screen again, and Yuzuru can't help but clasp his hands tight together as if he could send Javi all the strength remaining in his body right now. "Please let Javi so skate well that even he is surprised of himself", he prays with his eyes glued to the screen and heart beating fast. When his training mate lands his first 4T3T combo, he has to refrain from screaming, since it's not the end of the competition yet and he doesn't want to be caught being too emotional at this early stage, but he is sure that pride is intelligible on his face, and there is tear threatening to come out.As Javi finishes his routine, strikes the final pose and breaks into a smile, Yuzuru smiles too, to welcome back his favorite Javi's gentle, so radiant, familiar and contagious smile that nearly vanishes for the last few months, with the thought that they will certainly stand next to each other on this podium.

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