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  • Dedicated to Elijah Marchington

"Don't touch me!" I yell at the man in black, who was now dragging me away by my arm. I'm still yelling, kicking, and flailing... Finally the dude ends up picking me up by the waist and slings me over his shoulder. I'm still kicking and yelling. Finally I figured out a plan. I stopped kicking and yelling. I pretended to go completely limp. The man in black stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk... Fifty feet away from his pretty little military car... Am I a criminal? Depends on what you call a criminal, but yes, to the CIA I am a criminal... The man in black shook me slightly.

That's when it all went down... My head shot up and bit his neck, hard. I tasted a metallic taste. The man dropped me. I landed on my feet and kicked the guy in the shin he fell over onto his bottom. I kicked him in his face, hearing a satisfying crack. The man fell completely backwards. I put my foot on his nice silk suit. " Tell Captain Fulger I said hi," and I kicked him one last time in his face. He passed out on the side walk. I concentrated. I moved my hands in a circular motion. The man in black lifted into the air. I gently moved my hands downward toward a tree. The man gently lay up against the tree, as if he were sleeping peacefully... As if... Luckily we were under a bridge, so no one saw that... Even if they did, no one would care... After all this is New York city, the most violent city in the US... Or what's left of it...

I am Makayla Livingston... I am 14 years old... And I am gifted with powers beyond your imagination... Welcome to my twisted life...

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