One way or another...

Start from the beginning

Aries turned to face you just as you leapt towards him for a preemptive strike. "NOW!" You cried out as you ran Aries through with your Kagune, pushing it through his chest and lifting him into the air. All around you Gourmet members turned on the unsuspecting zodiac forces, tearing them apart with ease as your Kagune pushed through Aries and constricting around him. The scorpion tail wrapped around his face, the classic Scorpio kill move.

Suddenly Aries own kagunes emerged, two rinkakus ending with viscous spikes sprung from his shoulder blades. They both went straight through your Kagune and cutting it off where it entered his body, they then shot towards you as one pinned your leg to the ground while the other went through your bicep. Aries pulled your Kagune out of him, rolling his arm in its socket and cracking his neck. An angry snarl plastered on his face, his eyes turned into their ghoul state. He grabbed a hold of his shirt and ripped it off his body, the punctured hole in his body healed without a mark.

"That." He growled. "Was a dirty move."

"Not as dirty as this!" A female voice yelled. Suddenly the binge eater leapt at him at the same time as the gourmet, both over eager to dine on a Zodiac ghoul. Aries yanked the kagunes out of you, one going the spiral of the gourmet and spearing through his arm and emerging on the other side of his body through his chest, the other spliced off three of the binge eaters kagunes and easily knocking the other aside as he smashed his elbow into her face as the momentum carried her towards him.

"Master Shuu!" The German servant cried out seeing his master hurt, he dived at Aries while he was distracted with the others. As the servants Kagune went flying at Aries he casually spun to the side, his fist coming up and punching the servant in the teeth with enough force to send them airborne against. He wasn't done though and one of his kagunes snagged out and wrapped around the servants foot, viciously whipping them into the floor.

"Sit down boy." Aries spat with distain. "You wanna know how I got my name? Aries. You ever think of it, I wasn't obvious like you or other members. It's because of my nature, Aries, as in Aries the god of war." He kicked you hard in the face, his boot pushing your head hard into the ground. "From the day I was borne Ive fought for life, i clawed my way above the common dregs of humanity and ghouls alike until I stood a top a pillar of power no one can come close to. I live to fight, it's my nature to tear out the hearts of those who stand against me."

You grabbed his foot and pushed it off you, only for his Kagune to pin your hand to the ground. Move of the gourmets servants rushed in to help, rushing at Aries to protect their master. The chimera was terrifyingly efficient in systematically taking them out, taking out a dozen ghouls in as many seconds. It was enough time for your body to being regenerating your Kagune, the scorpion tail was a redder colour then usual due to it being new.

You'd never had to regrow your Kagune before, so it was taking too long. Aries was eating through ghouls like they were nothing, though he was pushed back by a furious barrage of ukaku crystals firing at him. Capricorn dart in and smacked Aries with his whip like Kagune coming from a ukaku position, he pressed the attack and Virgo joined the assault with her bikaku Kagune. Her Kagune morphed and changed shape indicating a rinkaku blood line, her Kagune split into eight separate spikes and coming at Aries in different directions. Aries was barely able to dodge out the way from her and Capricorn's attacks, his own kagunes stroking out to keep them away. He lifted his right Kagune to block Capricorn's downwards spike while his left slapped away virgos.

Meanwhile things only to worse as Touka was smashed through a wall, landing not too far from you. Taurus strode through the gap in the wall he'd just smashed by throwing Touka into it, for a moment Virgo was distracted but it was enough for Aries to capitalise and attack. His Kagune went through through her own where she'd split them into extra tendrils, he went straight through her Kagune and followed it around, piercing her body through her Kagune sacks and emerging from from her lower belly. She screamed but went quiet as the second spike stabbed her in the throat, silencing her.

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