Chapter 12

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I've been living with the twins for a couple months. I work at the cash register. It's always a mad house there and it's always fun. Most of the time there's kids running around. Let's say it's never a dull day here.

It was late at night and Fred and George were in the back inventing. I was at the register waiting to lock up. Then I hear the bell ding and say "welcome to Weasleys Wizard Weezes. How can I help..." I look up and see Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange and two other deatheaters standing in the doorway.

"I would like one Rose Wood." He says. I start to grab my wand when he grabs me and apparates away. I look and see that I'm being thrown into a cell and locked in. They grab my wand and leave.

"Help!" I yell all night.

Fred's P.O.V.

We hear a noise like fighting in the shop and go out there to see feathers take Rose and apparatus away. We manage to hit one with a stunning spell. Their gone with Rose. I have to go tell the order she's gone. We have to find her. I start to go after them when George grabs me.

"What if they kill her?" I ask George.

"They took her. They want her alive for some reason." He says.

We head to the burrow and tell the order about her being taken. I hope she's okay.

Roses P.O.V.

The next day they come down and take me to the living room.

"Where is the orders headquarters?" Bellatrix asks me.

"I'll never tell you. I'd rather die." I spat back.

"Okay. Have it your way." She says then casts crucio on me. I start to write in pain.

A few months later

Everyday they come up with a new way to torture me. I know they took me for impnformation. Good thing I was never in the order, Fred wouldnt let into the Order.

"Tell me what their planning." She yells.

"Never." I yell back.

"Soon your going to die. Only a matter of time." She says and tortures me.

They put me back into the cell. From the torturing I start to throw up again. Lately I haven't been feeling well. Also it looks like I've been gaining weight. Oh my god I'm pregnant. That's explains everything. Fred doesn't know and he'll probably never know about the baby. I'll probably die in here. He'll never know his child. I have to find a way out of here. I have to save my baby. I'm very weak because they haven't fed me much. Just enough to keep me alive. 

Fred's P.O.V.

We still haven't found her. It's been months.

"How have you guys not found her yet." I yell smashing a chair.

"Calm down Fred we'll find her." George says.

"Calm down? I love her and she's probably dead." I yell.

"She's not dead. The paper hasn't said anything." He says.

"We're pretty sure she's in Malfoy Manor." Lupin says.

"So how are we going to get her." I ask filled with hope.

"That's the problem. It's highly guarded by deatheaters." He says.

"We'll find a way." I say.

Roses P.O.V.

A few months more

I think I'm six months pregnant. I don't know how they haven't noticed. I'm very weak. All of the minimal food I get goes to the baby. I hope the baby's healthy. I hear people shouting and see Harry and Ron coming down into the cell.

"Rose that's where you've been all this time?" Harry asks.

"Yeah I've been stuck here. They wanted information on the order but I didn't crack." I say.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

 "We got taken. Hermiones upstairs." Harry says.

"Fred's been worried sick about you. He kept wanting to get you but Lupin stopped him." Ron says.

Then Dobby appears and we end up apparating away to Bill and Fleurs cottage.

"Rose your okay." Fleur says and comes to hug me.

"Oh my. Are you pregnant?" She whisper asks me.

"Yes I think I'm six months pregnant." I say.

"Does Fred know?" She asks.

"No, nobody but you knows now." I say.

She sends a patronus to the Weasley family but mainly Fred.

She tells the patronus "Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Rose are at our cottage. Their all fine but Rose has some news for Fred." She sends it off.

Then a few minutes later I hear a pop and I see Fred.

"Rose, your okay. I was so worried. You were gone for months. Are you okay? You have some news for me?" He says and I can't get a word in.

"Lets go somewhere else." I say.

We walk outside onto the beach.

"What's the news?" He asks.

"Surprise I'm pregnant!" I say. He looks shocked.

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"No im not mad why would I be mad. I'm so happy. How far along are you?" He says while he picks me up and spins me around.

"I think I'm six months along." I say.

He stays quiet for a while.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm just trying to think of when it happened." He says with a smile.

"Oh I know when that happened. It was when we did it in the backroom during our lunch break." He says.

"I'm so happy your back. You don't know how lost I was withought you." He says while kissing me.

"Now we're going to have a baby. I'm going to be a dad." He says tearing up.

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