Chapter 11

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Tommarow is the day that Fred and George are going to leave Hogwarts forever. They've told me the plan before hand and I agree but I'm staying to finish my seventh year. I'll miss them a lot but I'll have my friends and after I graduate I'll live in Weasley Wizards Weezes with the twins. Fred says he has to talk to me before they leave. He told me to meet him by the black lake at nine o clock. I head down there and see candles lit.

"Hi. What did you want?" I ask.

"I have a question for you." He says.

"You had to do it here why couldn't you just ask me at the castle?" I ask.

"It's a very important question." He says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I love you Rose and will you marry me?" He asks while on one knee with a ring box.

"I know we're young but we can wait a while to get married and you don't have to say..." he rambles on.

"Yes." I say interrupting him.

"What?" He asks looking astonished.

"Yes, yes, yes a million times yes. I love you Fred Weasley and I want to marry you." I yell.

He stands up and kisses me then he puts the ring on me. We walk back to the castle. I go over to Jenna, Emily, and Leo and show them the ring.

"Oh my god he finally proposed!" Emily says.

"Wait, you knew about this?" I ask.

"Yeah we all did." Leo says.

"We actually bet on it too." Jenna says.

"You guys bet on everything." I say.

"Who won this time?" I ask.

"Luna won again. How does she keep winning?" Emily's asks.

"It's magic." Luna says.

"Oh I'm so happy for you guys." Jenna says.

"Ok, you and George are next." I say.

Jenna blushes and looks over at George.

"I don't think it's going to happen soon." She says.

"I know it'll happen eventually." I say reassuringly.

"I hope. I love the idiot." Jenna says.

The next day

I wake up and I'm sad today is the day their leaving. I know they have to do this. I head down. I see Umbridge has them cornered. Then they summon their brooms and fly away. But before they fly away Fred blows me a kiss and I start crying. I can tell this hurts him just as much as me. I see a single tear run down his face then he flys away and throws the W firework. He's gone. I'll see him again someday.


Harry says they have to go to the ministry because dad is in trouble. I say I'm going with them.

"How are we getting there?" Harry asks.

"I know." Luna says.

We each get on a thestral and head to the ministry. I hope dads okay. I may not have known him for most of my life but I don't think I can handle having him gone again. We get there and go in. We see a prophecy and death eaters appear. 

"Give us the prophecy." Lucius says. (A/n you can probably tell I don't follow the exact dialogue.) 

Harry doesn't and we start fighting then death eaters grab us all and the order of Pheonix appears. I see my dad he's okay. Then suddenly Bellatrix hits him and he falls back into the veil. No he can't be gone. He can't be. I just got him back. I fall down on the ground and start to cry. I can hear Harry yelling and going after Bellatrix. I would but I'm in shock. I feel someone come over and pull me into their arms. I look up and I see Fred holding me. The death eaters disappear and we go to the joke shop. I get into bed and cry myself to sleep.

Few months later

Fred's P.O.V.

Rose has stayed in our room for most days. She only comes out to eat sometimes. It's hard to get her out of bed. I can tell she's not dealing well with Sirius death.

Few more months

Roses P.O.V.

I've gotten better over time. I work in the shop now at the cash register. I'm not as sad I realised that I have to continue on with life he wouldn't want me to mope around.

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