Chapter 4

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We head off to dinner. I go over to my friends that are sitting at the Ravenclaw table.

"I got some news." I say.

"What?" Jenna asks.

"Fred asked me to be his girlfriend." I say.

"Really? We knew he really liked you. We were right. Hey Davies, you owe us 10 sickles." Emily yells across the hall.

"Seriously you bet on if me and Fred would get together." I say.

"We knew it was going to happen, so why not make a few sickles." Jenna says.

"We also bet when he would ask you. Jenna said in two weeks, I said next week. Davies said in a month, and Leo said a week ago, so he lost." Emily said.

"So who said this week?" I ask with curiosity.

"That would be me." I hear a dreamy voice and turn around.

"Oh hi Luna. So you bet too." I ask

"Yeah I could tell by the wakspurts around your head, that Fred would ask you soon." Luna states dreamily.

"Ok" I say. Jenna gives Luna some sickles and she leaves.

"How many people were in on this bet?" I ask with curiosity.

"Don't worry, it's a few Ravenclaws, maybe the whole house, and a few Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins." Emily says.

"How did you get Slytherins in there?" I ask curious

"It's so obvious even they can see the way you two look at each other." Jenna states.

"No it's not." 

"Oh yes it's is." 

"Ok maybe it is." 

"Now we can switch it to George and Jenna instead of you and Fred." Emily said.

Dumbledore goes up to the podium and everyone becomes quiet.

"The Hogsmede trip is cancelled due to the sighting of Sirius Black in Hogsmede." Dumbledore said.

Everybody is sad about it being cancelled but it is for the best. I can't have my date with Fred though. I'll ask him what we can do now. I go over to the Gryffindor table and sit next to Fred. 

"What are we going to do for our date now?" I ask

"I have something planned already." Fred says

"What do you have planned."

"Nuh uh can't tell you. It's a surprise." He says waggling his finger in my face.

I see a group of red heads spread about the table. 

"Who's that?" I ask

"Oh that's our little brother Ronniekins, and little sister Ginny." George says.

"You guys have a lot of siblings." I say

"You don't know the half of it." Lee says

"The oldest is Bill, he's a curse breaker in Egypt," Fred starts

"Then Charlie, he works with dragons in Romania," George continues 

"Then Percy, the prat, he works for the ministry,"

"Then us" they say together. "I'm older by the way." Fred adds with a wink.

"Then Ronald, the eater, then Ginny, the baby of the family.

I wonder how their not winded from saying all that. I get how they can talk at the same time their twins they can read each other's minds.

"That's a lot of family. It's just me and my mom. My dad died when I was three. I don't have any other siblings." I say sadly.

"How did he die?" George asks, then Fred hits him, giving him a look.

"It's okay. He died during a robbery at our house." I say holding back tears.

Fred grabs my hand and holds it. We go to our common rooms and Fred tells me to meet him at eight o clock outside my common room.

It's seven forty five. I go outside the common room and see Fred. 

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He responds.

We go down some halls and come to a painting.

"Tickle the pear." He says.


"Just do it."

"Okay." I tickle the pear and it giggles. What. It giggled. Well it is a magical school, I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

We go in and it has a ton of house elves running around.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"The kitchens." Fred says.

A house elf comes over ad Fred says he wants a table for two. We walk over and sit down. The elves bring over some food. We start eating.

"Does George like anyone?" I ask.

"Maybe why? It's classified information." Fred responds.

"Just asking for a friend." I say.

"Okay my friend Jenna might like him. You can't tell him that though." I say giving him a glare.

"George might possibly have a crush on her too." Fred says.

"We should totally set them up. We can go on double dates." I say.

"So how to get them together?" Fred says.

We ponder for a moment then i have an idea.

"I can bring Jenna with me to your table and then we can go somewhere and leave them together." I say smiling.

"It's a plan." We walk back and say goodbye. I go to sleep thinking about Fred and I's plan to get Jenna and George together.


I wake up and get ready. Today is the Ravenclaw V.S. Gryffndor game. Me and Jenna are ready for the game and to beat the twins. We go down to breakfast and see Roger giving the pep talk to the team. I'm so nervous I can't eat.

"Rose you have to eat before the game you need your strength to hit away the bludgers." Roger says.

I eat an apple then me and Jenna head over to the Gryffindor table.

"We are totally going to beat you two today." I say

"You can believe that, but we're going to prove you wrong." George says.

We head down to the pitch. We hear the cheers of the crowd and fly out. I can hear Lee and Leo announcing what is happening. I lock eyes with Fred and smirk at him.  We are going to beat them. Madame Hooch says her speech and releases the balls. Me and Jenna go after the bludgers and hit them towards the other team. The twins then hit them back.

I hit one towards Angelina but Fred hits it back. Then I hit it harder back and he misses it. It goes flying near the crowd and George hits it back. Me and Fred keep hitting the ball back and forth and Jenna and George are hitting the other one back and forth. I can tell they are surprised how strong we are. I think we are stronger than them or they are just going easy on us. 

"You know you don't have to go easy on us." I say.

"We weren't, but now we'll try harder." Fred says

I see a black dog on the side of the pitch and it looks familiar. I'm still staring at the dog that  I don't see the bludger George hit towards me, that Jenna missed. It whacks me in the head and I fall off my broom. I'm falling and going unconscious but I can tell someone caught me. I look up  and see Fred holding me. Then I pass out.

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