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The Xi Blues escort us through the winding mall, taking us up unmoving escalators and down several walkways, until we finally stop in front of a dark old store. Most of the letters on the sign remain intact, letting us know that the shop is an old Sephora. I used to long to go inside one of these as a younger girl, but my parents always told me when I get older I could. Well, looks like they were right.

"Star," the redhead, who had introduced himself on the journey as Daniel, calls into the shop as we step inside. The others who helped escort us stay outside and resume whatever they had been doing before. I glance over my shoulder at Dane, who is staring ahead of us with his face a little less enthusiastic than earlier.

String lights provide the only light in the shop, which isn't much. Daniel leads Dane, Marcy, Bo, and I down the middle of the store towards the back. We take a turn around a mostly bare shelf, which led us straight to the counter, where an old cash register sits completely covered in more string lights. Even more string lights hang from the counter, making it the most illuminated spot in the entire store, but that isn't what everyone is looking at. A tall dark-skinned girl, maybe around 18 years old, with pale purple pigtails and choppy bangs obscuring her dark eyes from view, sits on top of the counter, picking at her nails. She glances up at us as we approach. Her beady eyes watch each of us closely, lingering on Dane longer than anyone else.

"You're that Yellow from East River," she says, and hops down from the counter. She towers over each of us with her incredible, yet intimidating, height. She waves Daniel off and he obediently ducks out.

Dane adjusts the ball cap on his head and tries to plaster that easy-going smile he always seems to wear, but it comes out strained. Star looks to Marcy, Bo, and I with her eyebrows low.

"Now, you three I'm not familiar with."

"This is Bo, Marcy, and Freckles," Dane introduces us. I almost feel like I should shake her hand or something, but the cold look in her eyes makes me think otherwise. 

"Freckles, interesting name. It suits you," she smirks. The way she says it sounds patronizing. "What are your colors?"

"I'm Blue," Marcy answers first. Something flashes in Star's eyes, but she masks it and looks to Bo.

"You look quite young, Bo. Too young to have a color."

He doesn't agree or disagree, instead he grabs onto my hand with both of his and watches her with his curious round eyes. Star's dark eyes finally move to me. She cocks an eyebrow.

"Red," I say, quietly. Star stares at my face for a second, unmoving, until she suddenly erupts into a loud, boisterous laugh. Everyone jumps at the unexpected laughing, which makes Star laugh even more and even let out a snort.

"I — I'm sorry, it's just — you got me for a second. What color are you actually, Freckles?"

I stare at the purple haired girl in disbelief. Why would I joke about this?

"She told you she's Red," Dane says, glancing between Star and me. Her face suddenly goes serious.

"Impossible. All the Reds who aren't dead are in Jamboree." Noticing my confused look, she continues, "Project Jamboree; a secret government army of Reds."

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