Populars my middle name (:

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I stood in front of the mirror with my mud mask on carefully looking over at my features. Picking out a cut tye dye singlet and matching it with a pair of ripped denim shortshorts, I grinned. Tomorrow was going to be GREAT.


I quickly blended in my foundation and apllied some light bronzer across my cheek bones. Carefully putting on my mascara and eyeliner on afterwards. I slicked on just some lip gloss to make my lips look perfect. I looked in the mirror and decided not to straighten my hair; it was wavy but good looking at the same time. I put on my on my cute mini leather jacket that I got the other day and scrunched it up to my elbows. Grabbing an apple I made my way to my car and started driving off into my new life.

I walked through the hall way of Eagle high and felt people staring at me and this time not because I was A 'fat overweight unpopular freak' but because I was smoking hot. Grinning I made my way towards the office and got my timetable and locker number. Locker 372... code 43 56 72 ... I quickly dialed it in and put all my books in there. I heard a someone clear their throat beside me and I turned around so I turned around. Looking at me was Jake... He smiled flirtatiously at me.

"Hey babe, Im guessing your new....Want me to give you a welcome tour." He said his low husky voice making their ways to my ears. My heart started beating faster. Omg Jake's talking to me.. My brain went off in a tangent before something snapped. Wait he was all mean to me and now just because Im skinny and pretty he thinks he can just waltz up and hook up with me....Nu uh...No way in hell.

"Yeah.... Sure what about...IN your dreams?." I asked smiling sweetly waiting . His eyes went hard and his jaw fell open. I chuckled slightly at his reaction before walking to my first class. English. Walking in I heard a couple of guys whistle as their girlfriends smacked them across their head. Grinning slightly I spotted Christy. She had a new tan and her blonde hair was worn braided across the side. She was laughing at something Ryan our other best friend said. I didn't know why she hung out with us. I mean why she took the chance to get to know me at least. I mean I used to be fat and ugly the only

Thing I had going for me was my intelligence but she was still my best friend. And Ryan jesus Christ he is bound to be the second hottest guy in school but he still hangs with me and Christy. Taking a sit by them I heard Christle gasp slightly.

"Hey, sorry about that but that seat taken... Honest Im not trying to be a bitch or anything." Christy said beaming at me one of her nicest smile.

"Christy. Jesus Christ its me..." I said.... She looked abit confused then her jaw dropped. Ryan still looked confuse.

"Look I really do not give half a rats ass about who you are ...but that's Kelly's seat so move." Ryan snarled, not nearly as nice as Christy. Christys eyes were still widened in shock.

"OOOOOOOOOHMMMMYYYGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!! Kelly fuck is that why you haven't been talking to me that much? You've been busy with this secret makeover plan!! Jesus look how gorgeous you look. You could so be a model." Christy gushed as Ryans eyes mirrored Christys face just a second ago.

"Bulshit." Ryan muttered his eyebrowed metting togather.

"Yup...It just me (:" I said smiling at them. Both of them were silent before Christy smiled at me again.

"Your...gorgeous." Ryan finally said after a while." I was about to start going on about Chris my instructor person at the gym before Jake walked into the room. He walked right pass Monica and to me.

"See I guess you don't know how this school works...But I am the hottest guy here and you could have instant popularity by going out with me sooo what do you say sexy?" He asked giving me a half a smile. Monica glared at me before saying.

"But darling we're going out sweetie pie...Plus Ive got a present for you tonight." Monica drawled. He shook his head dismissively.

"Check your phone monica."

He said as she flipped hedr phone out. The whole class was silent as Monica looked at her phone and burst out crying.

"Your dumping ME over that?" she asked before running out of the classroom. Jake smiled at me and I surprised him with the evilest glare I could sum up.

"You. Are . a . straight . up . dick. And by the way im not new! I know how it works...you go out with a girl take her v then leave... you need a hobby honestly.. I mean aside from stealing girls innocence. And by the way I have a name. It Kelly." I said as I heard a few people gasp.

"Kelly Jenkins. So I suggest you use it unless you want to find out how a broken nose feels like." I sneered before turning away and looking straight at the white board with a bored look playing on my face. A few people clapped and some started laughing but silence took over as the teacher walked in. I stole a look at Christy and saw she was smiling at me. I let a small smile play across my lips as what I had just done sunk it. I just turned down the hottest guy in school and insulted him at the same time. I was a legand!



Is this any good? Cuz I honestly think it's the crappiest story ive done and I dnt know whether I should continue? COOOOOOOL thanksss my sexy lilllltleee munchkinsss (:

From fat unpopular geek to most wanted chick in bed (:Where stories live. Discover now