new hot student

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"Come on Annie you have to admit the new boy is drop dead gorgeous!" Eliza shrieks happily. "Hes alright i guess." I smile hoping to change the subject. Eliza ignores me and stares at him sighing dreamily her eyes widening all of a sudden. "Ladies hottie heading this way" immediately they straighten up and 'discreatly' check their reflections in their phones.

"Hey ladies is this seat taken?" "No but you can take it." I tell him smiling trying to be polite. Just as the jocks came and take their seats. Laughing loudly at something Josh, Lacey's boyfriend and quarter back, said.

I sigh as my friends begin to giggle at nothing inparticular. I turn to Blake "So how are you enjoying the school?" I ask trying not to get caught in his black eyes. Eliza was right he was gorgeous he had the dark and dangerous thing going on. With the messy black hair that reached past his black eyes with long dark lashes. And strong jaw and soft looking cupids bow pale pink lips. Broad shouldera and about 6 feet tall if not taller and of course packed with muscle.

"Its alright I guess." He murmured at me while he openly checked out Eliza who was giving him the I want you look. I couldnt blame him Eliza was blond haired blue eyed tan 5"6' and a cheerleader. I sigh as I pick up my tray and several others and take it to the lunch lady who smiles kindly at me taking the trays from my hands. I smile back and wish her a good day before heading back to my seat when Lindsey calls me over.

"Hey! Ann come sit with us for a bit!" Lindsey was is a recovering cutter and of course emo but I didn't care I was just glad she wasn't doing it anymore. " hey lins how are you guys?" I smile sitting in an empty chair between Blaze and haven. immediately I was sucked into an argument about ninjas vs spiderman. I laughed but didnt join in other than to say spideman would win.

which just rallied Haven up and she just kept yelling."I told you!"


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