Meting the one and only Yuri Plisetsky

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Yuri P. pov

I was wondering around Japan when I saw this assume tiger shirt and got a call from Yokov telling me to come back to Russia but I said no not until Viktor comes back to be my coach. Then I yelled Viktor and a old man fishing said he would be at the ice rink under the temple with that I ran to were the old man said. When I arrived there was a lot of reporters crowding the front doors but I managed but was stopped by three little girls but then they realized their mistake and apologize then that fat pig showed up and said he was back to the wait he was at last time he competed then I swiftly kicked him from behind in to the front desk walking over to him and putting my foot on his forehead say how Viktor was suppose to be my couch then I asked him about his program and he said he didn't have one then I said he was pathetic and walked toward the ice when I past this boy at least I think its was when I past him I shoved my shoulder into him making him lose balance but I didn't stay to find out and the other Yuri followed obviously not helping the other male up. When we got to the rink I saw Viktor practicing the free skate he was going to do before he decided to become a couch me and the fat pig had a small conversation about Viktor then I asked Viktor if we could have a chat will we were talking I didn't notes that some one had come in and got on the ice until I herd music that sounded like a Walt's I turn to see the boy from earlier in some old fashioned dress shirt and pants he skated like no one was there I was so mesmerized by his moves that I thought he was female which could be possible because of his body shape and fast move mints when the song was over Viktor started to clap then Yuri joined the male freezes then relaxes when he see who it is but his smile soon terns into a glare when he sees me I glare back not letting him him intimidate me.

Alice's pov.

When the song ended I herd clapping I freeze for a second then relax when I see its just Viktor and Yuri the I see the jerk who pushed me and glare at him he glared back. Then Viktor said something that shocked me he wanted me to compete in figure skating competition "What no no no no I can't do that I have to stay here and help with the studio and besides my uncle probably won't let me any way" I say then Viktor called someone to which I didn't bother to think it was my uncle until Viktor said my uncle will let me compete which made my heart sink a little but I was happy because I could go visit Russia and maybe go to England for competitions to prove my parent's wrong about figure skating.

The next day

Yuri's pov.

I wake up to Viktor shaking me say he wanted to show me something but he didn't say wait next thing I know were at Alice uncle Jacks dance studio " Viktor way are we here for its to early for this " I say yawning "you'll see " he says in response as he pulls a small string and the door clicks open with no trouble " Viktor wait are you doing we can't go in there they have to let us in not just barge in like animals " I whisperer shout at him " Its not barging in if they have cameras to see whose coming in " he whispers back ' Wait cameras I don't remember there being cameras also who would want to steel from a dance studio I mean maybe a really expensive trophy but that is all I can think of if someone wanted to steel from a dance studio' I thought to my self as I continue to foul Viktor to a room that had lights on that so odd maybe Alice got up early to practice and my thoughts were right he was practicing a dance that was very heart racing song.

After the song he decided find a song for his free skate program. So he wakes over to the computer on the desk in the corner of the room but before he dose he grabbed his head phones 'Darn it I really wanted to heir the choreograph music for his free skate' I thought but my thoughts were interrupted when Alice started to sing a unfamiliar song.

Alice's pov.

After I practice my dance move for my next class I decides to find a song for my free skate program so I decided to license from my American play list and chose the one I liked the most when Right Here Waiting started to play and I couldn't help but sing along with it.

Oceans apart day

after day
And I slowly go insane

I here your voice
on line
But it dosnt
stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I'll right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I here the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

I can't see it baby
You got me going crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I'll be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I' be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive this moment
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chase

I can't see it baby
You got me going crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I'll be right here waiting for you
Or how my heart breaks
I'll be right here waiting for you

Waiting for you

After the song I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turn a round to find Viktor and Yuri smiling at me " Wait are you guys doing here this late where closed " I asked a little nervous about how long they have been here
"Well I wanted to show Yuri how confident you were to help him gang confidence " Viktor says ruffling Yuri's hair "Also Viktor wanted to see what song your doing for your free skate " " Oh I haven't decided yet so when I do I will let you now" I say to them " Okay we will leave now get some rest got a lot of work to do " "Okay bye" I say after they leave I pulled out the music discs that has my free skate song on it sense Viktor is giving the others there songs to skate to for the competition to see who he will couch and I going to be in it as well to show them my passion for ice skating.

The next day

Alice's Pov.

I wake up early to practices a little bit of ballet before going to the ice rink.
Then I grab the disc that has my free skate music on it and my skates then heading to the ice rink on my way I grabbed four hot chocolates from my favorite cafe to bring to the others. When I got there the others were already waiting for me "Hay guys hope I'm not to late I brought you some hot chocolate you can have it after you guys get you songs" I said cheerfully will outing on my gray skates and entering the ice rink skating over to them and stand between Yuri and Yurio will Viktor told them wait there songs were going to be Yuri was Love on Eros and Yurio Love on Agap witch both of them said that the songs don't suit them witch I agree but I have done a lot of songs that don't suit me when I was a kid so they just need to get over it. Next thing I know Yurio is waving his hand in front of my face "Ha dork Viktor talking to you" he said "Oh yes Viktor" I ask skating over to him "Your free skate music for this competition for me to be your couch" he says holding out his hand so I hand him my free skate music and he puts it in the CD player.

After the song was over Viktor asked me why I choses it I said it represents me and my life before and after I discovered figer skating. Through this I can show the pain I felt when my parents don't see me as who I was and that I can be the best even if I don't rank in the top three I know I still have people to support me. Viktor was pleases with my answer and gave his approval for me to us it as long as I can show him with my skating.

Well that's all for now but see you in the next chapter my ice dancers.

Skating is My Passion Yuri on ice x Oc Where stories live. Discover now