Dance Competition in Japan

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'Breath Alexander you can do it' I think to myself "Ladies and gentleman the moment you all been waiting for please welcome on stage Alice from Wonderland and he will be performing to Super psycho love" announcer says as I walk onto the stage the crowd cheers wildly as silence fell over the crowd as the music starts to play a I take a deep breath and get onto potion. As the music plays I move my body to the beat letting it take over my body with its catchy rhythm and words. By the end of the song the crowd was going wild. Right now my parents and I are waiting for the results to come on to the screen I hold my breath as the results come on and I got.
(Cliff hanger sorry I just had to😁)
And got into the top ten me being in tenth. I was glade I got into the top ten but my parents that to then was a faller and now I am headed to my uncle Jacks house in Hasetsu Japan. When I arrived my uncle congratulated me for getting into the top 10 he was also disappointed in my parents for not believing in me and not accepting me into the top 10 for doing my best but he said not to worry about what they think and that he will all was support me in any way he can.

One year later

Alexander's Pov.

I can't believe its been a year scents I have competed in a dance competition but now I have time to make friends and nobody knows that ever since I was a little boy that I have snuck into ice skating rinks to practice not even my uncle or my parents know that I own a pare of ice skates. My mother would say that ice skating is a waist of time and that dancing was better and more graceful then ice skating my father on the other hand says the same but he has a small potion for their customs and music. Hi my name is Alexander River Wood but you may know me as Alice from Wonderland or the Boy from Neverland the boy from neverland is a work in progress but back to the topic I 15 now and still dancing but not at competition but that's okay right now I'm just relaxing in the hot springs that's next door from my uncles ballet studio I practices there almost every day and at night I ice skate till midnight which helps me sleep alright that's enough about me back to the story. I sigh as I look at blue sky and thinking if Yuri will ever come back and skate like he did before I moved here to Hasetsu but that's no guarantee that he'll come back at least until today. "Hay Alice Yuri is back come meat him" says Lilia "Okay Ill be there in a second just let me get driest real quick" I say and with that I was out and driest when I came out of the men's changing room I was grabbed by someone only for it to be Yuri's dad he said he wanted to introduce me to Yuri who is eight years older then me and a ice skater will I'm a dancer and a skater but nobody knows yet so ya. When we got to the front of the hot springs I was met with who I supposed was Yuri being scolded about his wait gang by Lilia but when she spotted me she smiled and came over with Yuri trailing behind "Hay Yuri I want you to meat Alice his a dancer and he live right next door with his uncle who was one of the people I competed agents when I used to compete." "Great nice to meet you Alice also did she say he" he asked I nodded "B-but isn't Alice a girl name thou?" "Yes but I don't mind sense its a nickname my uncle Jack came up with for my dancing career and I made my own sweat shirt with the words Welcome to Wonderland and the mad haters hat in the center!" " Oh that's assume can I see it?" he asked "Of course " I say and turning around to show him "Wow its so pretty and very color full!" "Ya I know right even I was surprised on how it turned the way I drew it!" and at that moment my uncle call and said that he needed a ride to the airport for a competition in Italy " I'm so sorry I have to take my uncle to the airport O Yuri nice to meat you finally bye guys" I say and leave to drive my uncle to the airport.

Yuri's pov.

'Wow that was a surprise' I thought to myself 'Wait I don't get is why he would let people call him by a girls name I'll just ask him when he gets back- ' my thoughts were cut short when Lilia said something about me losing wait I just ignored it and went to pay my respects to Victor my old dog by the time I was done Alice had already come back and asked if he could stay with us will his uncle was in Italy mom said it was fine and that he could stay with me in my room "What wait why my room?" I asked "Because he dosnt need a room to him self and it would allow him to get to now you better" my mom said "Fine come with me I'll show you my room " I said he nodded and followed me to my room so he could set his stuff up for tonight it didn't take him long because he didn't bring much just his sleeping bag and pillow and his sketch book which I asked if I could look at his drawings he said it was fine and he didn't mind if I did or not as long as I didn't say any thing to anyone and I said okay.

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