Her Part 4-Mitch Rapp

Start from the beginning

I glanced at Y/N to see her looking at me nervously, waiting for me to say something. I sent her a reassuring smile before turning back around.

"They've been following us since we left the hospital," he mumbled. I reached under the seat, instantly grabbing my gun. Hurley shook his head as he said, "We don't know for sure. I'll take the long way, try to lose them. Don't do anything until we know."

I nodded as I sat back in my seat, trying to calm my breathing. "Is everything okay?" Y/N asked hesitantly from the backseat.

"Everything is going to be fine, Ms. Y/N," Hurley said, sending her a smile. He glanced over at me, sending me a different look than the one he sent her.

A few minutes later, we still hadn't lost the tail. I noticed myself continually checking the rearview mirror, probably more than Hurley. The longer we drove, the bigger the pit in my stomach grew.

Even though I tried to convince myself otherwise, I knew that something was going to happen.

Right as we turned a corner, Hurley had to slam on his breaks. My heart jumped into my throat as I saw a black SUV blocking our path. I looked behind us to see the one that had been following us was making it so we couldn't turn around.

We were trapped.

"Whatever happens, Ms. Y/N, do not leave this car." Hurley said as he put the car in park. I glanced back at Y/N to see her biting her bottom lip.

"Get down and stay down," I whispered as I took the safety off my gun. She nodded her head before taking off her seatbelt and hiding between the seats.

Once she was safely crouched on the ground, I took off my seatbelt. At the same time, Hurley and I opened our doors with our guns up.

"We don't want to start anything," a voice called out. "Just give us the girl and no one else has to die."

My blood boiled at his threat. "Like that'll happen," I mumbled under my breath. Hurley sent me a look before rolling his eyes and turning his attention back to the barricade.

"You're out gunned," the voice sighed. "Is she really worth it? We aren't going to hurt her. We just want to talk to her."

"You want to use her as leverage," Hurley spoke up. I looked at him, not hiding my surprise that he actually responded to their threats. "We aren't going to let that happen."

"Suit yourselves," the voice said smugly. As if on cue, they opened fire. Hurley and I ducked behind our doors, taking shots when we had the chance.

"I have the guys in front, you take the ones behind," Hurley yelled over the gunfire. I nodded as I switched my position, firing at the SUV behind us.

I took down a few men with ease. As I reloaded my gun, I heard a scream I never wanted to hear again.

"Y/N." I said when I saw a man had somehow gotten around me and was dragging Y/N out of the car.

I shot the remaining men and ran around our car. "I'll cover you," Hurley yelled. "Go!"

As Hurley continued to shoot at the other car of men, I ran towards Y/N. I paused as I aimed at the man dragging her, not hesitating to pull the trigger. Y/N let out a surprise scream as he dropped to the ground.

I ran over to her, grabbing her arms and looking her over for injuries. "Are you okay?" I rushed out. "Are you hurt? Y/N, talk to me."

"I don't think so," she stuttered.

"Rapp!" I heard Hurley yell. I turned around to see a man running towards us. I swore under my breath when my gun was out of bullets.

"Stay behind me," I said, gently pushing Y/N out of the way.

Just as I turned around, the man ran up to me. I instantly dodged his punch, but gasped when I felt a sting across my arm. I looked down at my fresh wound and let out an annoyed growl.

My anger built as I charged the man. It didn't take long for me to get the upper hand. Especially as I could hear Y/N's soft whimpers coming from somewhere behind me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held them there until he stopped fighting. I dropped him, his lifeless body falling to the ground as I took a step back. I quickly turned around, looking for where Y/N had hidden. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw her scared, shrunken form not too far from me.

I jogged over to her and gently touched her shoulder. "It's me," I said quickly when she jumped. She looked up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. She let out a sob as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You're okay," I soothed. "I got you. You're safe. It's alright." She continued to shake in my arms as she cried into my chest.


I turned around, Y/N still in my arms, to see Hurley jogging towards us. "Are you two okay?" He asked, looking down at Y/N shaking in my arms.

"We're alright," I said, letting out a sigh of relief. I looked behind him to see bodies laying between the three cars.

"We gotta go," he said, making me shift my gaze back to him. He looked down, his eyes softening when he saw Y/N was still tucked into my chest.

"We can't take her back to her apartment," I sighed, guilt slowly replacing the adrenaline. "They'll be waiting for us. We should take her to the safe house."

He nodded in agreement as I felt my heart rate finally returning to normal. I looked down to see Y/N's eyes were closed.

"Y/N," I whispered. I sucked in a breath when she looked at me, tears still streaming down her cheeks. I reached up and caught a tear with my thumb.

"We're going to take you somewhere safe, okay?" She nodded as she leaned her head back against my chest. I sent Hurley a look that he responded to with a small nod.

My arm was wrapped around Y/N's waist, both of hers wrapped around mine as we waited for backup. I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to help calm her down while Hurley pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"This is Hurley," he said into it. "We were attacked on route."

It was quiet as the person on the other line spoke. "Asset is unharmed," Hurley answered. "But we need a cleanup crew."

I shook my head before looking back down at Y/N. My breath got stuck in my throat when my eyes landed on hers staring up at me.

"You alright?" I asked, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She nodded, her eyes finally clear of the tears.

"I don't know how you do this," she said softly.

I let out a small laugh as I tightened my arm around her waist. "Hopefully you won't have to get used to it."

Part 5 Coming Soon

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