the party

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i'm back you dirty hoes.

i know you've been waiting awile for another shitty chapter, so prepare to cringe

have fun bitches
author's pov

jimin jumped from his seat to grab his phone that was on the ground from when he tripped onto the couch earlier. he handed it to jungkook who placed his number into it. jungkook looked up at jimin when he was typing his number. he gave the phone back to jimin when he finished. he smiled and stood up from the couch. he held his hand out to jimin, yearning for him to grab it. jimin looked down at jungkook's hand, and slowly reached out for it. jungkook pulled him off the couch, making the pillow he was holding fly into the air and landing behind the couch. jungkook opened the door and pushed jimin outside of it as he walked out after and slammed the door shut, "also, why i brought you here, is because i own this place, and, i thought you were cute. by the way, everything is on the house treat" jungkook spoke as he tugged jimin's hand and pulled him to the bar, "two beers" jungkook told the bartender. she had long black hair down to her shoulders and a black bandana in her hair. she finished the look off with red dipped high heels, and a dark rose red crop top with black ripped jeans.

once the bartender had given them their drinks, they asked for more. shot after shot, beer after beer, they got more drunk, but jungkook did the most. he was swaying back and forth in his seat trying not to fall out. jimin stood up out of his chair, and yanked jungkook's ihand and pulled him into the dance floor. jimin was moving his hips to the beat of the song as jungkook was trying not fall over. he had never took his eyes off of jimin. he stared at jimin moving in a movement he's never seen anyone move in before. he was turned on by it. jimin's eyes were closed feeling himself in the music. minutes later, he felt two arms wrap around his hips and move along with him. he felt a hard bump on the back of his ass and jumped out of the grip of the stranger. he turned around and saw jungkook still dancing to the music. jimin looked at jungkook enjoying himself, until he opened his eyes and saw that jimin had stopped. jungkook grabbed jimin by the waist and pushed his back against his own torso. he swayed to the music holding tightly onto jimin's hips, "you look so tasty" jungkook whispered seductively in the other males ear. jimin shivered as jungkook's boner grew bigger as jimin flinched when jungkook thrusted into his ass, "ok, you're drunk" jimin pulled jungkook back into the room and placed him carefully onto the couch.

jimin was took by surprise when Jungkook grabbed his hand and pulled him on top of his lower abdomen. jungkook looked up at jimin, smirking, "j-jungkook, we just met. we s-shouldn't be doing this" jungkook didn't listen, and flipped jimin to where he was on the bottom, struggling for freedom, which jungkook denied. jimin closed his eyes when he felt a pair of soft lips attach to his neck leaving a perfectly shaped purple hickey. jimin's neck already stung from the mark that layed perfectly in line with his collarbone. he had given up trying to free himself from jungkook's grip. he was just too strong. all of a sudden, jungkook started to grind on jimin's lower area. jimin didn't know if it felt good or not, but what he did know for damn sure was that jungkook knew what he was doing. jungkook slipped out cuss words such as "fuck" and "shit." one the other hand, jimin was moving his hips along with the movement of jungkook's. jimin tried to keep it down, as he mumbled little moans here and there. jimin was a virgin and had never felt this passion put into sex like jungkook was continuingly doing. jimin then felt something he never felt before, a sharp pain in the pit of his stomach. he squirmed around as he was trying to calm the pain down. jungkook saw that struggle and girnded harder, with a devilish smirk, "ok, i'm good now" jungkook said standing up from jimin'a lap, who was not in shock. jimin was panting, as for jungkook, who was still trying to keep his balance. jimin now had his legs and arms spread out still trying to catch his breath. he was going for his crotch to finish the job that jungkook apparently couldn't. that was until jungkook grabbed his hand and pulled it away. he stood jimin up, who then stumbled from the event.

he finally caught his breath, walking towards the door, "i'm leaving before that happens again" jimin opened the door, but was pulled back and forced on the wall. He looked into jungkook's eyes as he still had on that devilish smirk, "leaving so early?" jungkook spoke as he had pinned jimin's hands above his head with one of his own, still showing his strenth. he then pushed his pelvis into Jimin's forcing another, but the last, moan out of his pink lips. he layed his head back on the wall as jungkook used his extra hand to stroke his crotch. jimin moaned without even thinking, "ahh~ahh~stop" jungkook automatically stopped leaving Jimin once again alone without feeling aroused, "ok, i'll stop" jungkook spoke leaning in to jimin's ear. jimin could feel the warm air coming from the actors mouth. a shiver traveled its way down his back, "i had fun playing with you" jungkook spoke leaving jimin speachless. am i just a toy? does jungkook not even like me? he was just confused in general, but he knows now not to get on jungkook's bad side.

jungkook walked over to the couch as jimin was still pushed up against the wall. jimin shook his head to get all the thoughts surrounding his brain, out. jungkook had grown tired. he smiled at jimin and he layed his head down on a pillow that was in the right corner of the couch. seconds later, jungkook had fallen asleep. jimin unstuck himself from the wall to go tuck him in. he ruslted the actors' hair, "text you later" he quietly spoke and he grabbed his stuff and left the building. he started his car and drove off. his eyes became heavy as he was growing tired. when he stopped at the last stoplight before he had to turn into his apartment building parking lot, he heard a ring from his cell. he looked at his phone and saw a text from jungkook. "already?!" he thought "he just fell asleep!!"


"why'd u leave so early? I was only getting started"

"you're still drunk, and you passed out on the couch. oh, and by the way, you weren't getting started with any of that shit!"

"miss you already"

"you're famous, go to you're mansion and sleep for the love of God!"

"fine'd dhahrd"


"fine dickhead"


"little bitch"


"for you"

"what the hell does that even mean?"

"nothing *hiccup*"

"go to bed!"



jimin set his phone face down on the passenger seat of his car. he had finally arrived at the apartment complex. he parked his car in the spot by the front of his room. he climbed up the 4 flights of stairs, walked to his room and unlocked it. when he opened the door he saw taehyung staring at him in annoyance. he had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot, "where the hell have you been!?!?" he forcefully asked flying his hands in the air. jimin sat down on the couch and explained the whole story. he explained everything as detailed as it could get. he explained how he got grinded on, stuck in a room with jeon jungkook, and how he got the hickey. taehyung was still mad that he was gone for 4 hours, alone. he was angry. he only came to jimin to fix his problem with his ex boyfriend, hoseok, not for him to go to a club and have sex, "i promise that we will talk about your break up situation in the morning" jimin said twisting his fingers and smiling up at taehyung. the younger male left the apartment, leaving jimin alone.
chapter two is finished!

the next one is coming soon!

a promise [kookmin]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora