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kidding xD

"nana where are you?" jeno panicked as he carried the small child in his arms, calming her down.

"im sorry. blame the traffic" he heard jaemin sighing on the other line and hummed

"call me when you're almost here. renjun looked so stressed" and with that, he ended the call, focusing now on the baby who was smiling so cutely at him

he then watched renjun on the couch, looking so stressed with his exhausted look. his lips formed in a pouty one, his eyes half-lidded almost close to falling asleep and body sprawled out on the small couch with his feet on the ground

"im never going to babysit again" renjun mumbled and stood up, fixing his shirt and pants before starting to clean the house filled with toys everywhere, jeno helping him


"renjun please? me and mark will be out for something important" donghyuck pleaded

"and what is this something important? going out on a date?" renjun frowned, knowing donghyuck, he'll surely go out with mark

"i- what no?!"

"look hyuck, you were the one lucas hyung asked to babysit his little sister and not me"

"i'll buy you food and different moomin plushies once im home" donghyuck said, smiling toothily. he knew he's going to win this, all you have to do to make a renjun agree is to give him anything involving moomin

renjun gasped and heaved a deep sigh. donghyuck really know what to do, "...fine"

the boy immediately jumped happily and hugged the older wearing the biggest smile he could ever wear. "thank you hyung! you're the best"

"yeah yeah you can go now" renjun dismissed the younger as he held the girl's hand who looked so lost, entering renjun's house

and the babysitting started


it's already summer, all of them already graduated. and the norenmin couple are staying strong. of course there were times where they fight but renjun will always be the one fixing it, he never wanted the three of them to break up

renjun applied to be a babysitter to their neighbor and all of his friends knew about this so he knows how to calm a kid down unlike donghyuck with no experiences in babysitting

and the fact that he's on a day off today is what made donghyuck go to him and ask for help

lucas was one of their new friends they met. their first meet was quite funny though

jaemin on the other hand, is now a manager in a newly opened cafe. he got interested with coffees since their senior year. while jeno is now temporarily a pe teacher in a junior high school. their work are all enough to buy their needs and they were satisfied with it

they were all living their life normally and happily, enjoying every moment they spend together

lucas's sister was like him, very loud and also funny at times. hyper whenever she spot dolls wearing pink dresses. renjun assumed that she loves pink

as soon as the pair finished cleaning the mess lyka made, they groaned silently as the little girl screamed again. "Uncle yEnO let's go to the playground!!!!"

"lyka we have to wait for uncle jae–"

"the bitch is here!" jaemin barged in the house with bags in his hands. jeno blinked and looked at the bags confusingly. "what are those?"

"food" jaemin answered as he carefully placed them on the table and ran towards lyka. "my favorite girl~" he cooed

"uncle yasmin!" lyka exlaimed, smiling happily as she hugged the older tightly.

"can we go to the playground noowwwww??~" the girl asked while wearing her puppy eyes, looking up at the three

the trio couldn't hide their smiles  this girl may be loud but she's really cute too. maybe her cuteness will be the death of renjun since he's really weak when it comes to cute things/people

"yes, we can" jeno answered the girl, picking her up and turning around earning a giggle from her

at the park...

"lyka watch out-" jaemin quickly grabbed lyka before she'll get hit by a ball which was going towards her way

lyke couldn't believed what just happened and hugged jaemin tightly, thanking him after saving her

lyke then started sticking with jaemin more than the other two the entire day in the playground. the pair even suspected that lyka may have a tiny crush on their jaemin.

jeno being the one who easily gets jealous as he is, he wore his poker face the entire day. renjun just chuckled at him for being jealous over a little girl

they were eating ice cream one time and lyka asked something that made the trio choke. "uncle yasmin, you're really handsome. we fit each other~" lyka may still be a kid but she's smart

the little girl even kissed him on the cheek. jaemin just brushed off all of it though, lyka's still small and this is just a silly little crush

once they arrive home after dropping lyka at Lucas's place, the three cuddled on jeno's bed. they are also living together now in a normal house with two storey.

jeno yawned tiredly and jaemin smiled, pecking him on his lips earning a whine from renjun. "what about me?" he frowned

nomin just giggled and showered renjun with kisses on his face making him blush. "you're not just mine renny, but ours" he heard jaemin whisper the words, making him smile as he snuggled into him closer with jeno back hugging him, his legs tangled with his


i'm not kidding this time :,)💕

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