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the clock ticking and the mumbles from the other costumers are the only thing that can be heard. the smell of coffee invading the place and the stiffened renjun, seated between the two. thank goodness he's not on jaemin's lap anymore

they have already ordered their drinks, waiting for it to be done. the oldest can't open his mouth to say anything, who would if two hot and cute men are staring at you intensely

he still couldn't answer his questions. he badly wanna ask jaemin why he made him sat on his lap in front of jeno. he thought they're already a couple so why would he do it? jeno doesn't seem to be bothered by it too. it even looked like he's loving it

renjun braced himself and took a deep breath for a hundred times and looked down his lap, fingers fidgeting. "guys i like—"

"jeno, renjun and jaemin!" the staff called out as their coffee's were already done. renjun sighed in relief and stood up and was about to take a step when someone stopped him

"i'll go take the orders" jeno smiled and made his way towards the counter, getting their drinks.

he came back and placed their coffees down the table, feeling a bit uncomfortable from all the stares he got from girls and even guys.

he cleared his throat, sitting down. "okay so, what was it that you were about to tell us junnie?" jeno took a sip of his coffee, eyes fixed on renjun's. renjun panicked and thought of an excuse. he thought he was ready, but the truth is, he's still hesitating. 

renjun excused himself and ran to the comfort room, going inside an empty stall and did things that you do in a comfort room :>

he got outside and faced the mirror, looking in it. he sighed as he saw how visible his dark under eyes are. he washed his fae and dried it using his handkerchief because he couldn't use anything else other than it

renjun kept thinking about confessing but he gets tongue-tied everytime he tried opening his mouth to say the three words. "ugh.. i should man up" he whispered

he ruffled his hair and looked at his reflection, clearing his throat. "should i say, Jeno i like you–"

without noticing someone entered the comfort room, renjun heard someone spoke behind him. "you.. like me?"

the latter felt his heart beating so fast like as if he just joined a marathon, facing jeno

"a-as a friend, of course hehe.." renjun laughed awkwardly, knowing Jeno, he wouldn't buy it. "hm sure" he then left the comfort room with renjun noticing him smiling as he closed the door

renjun gained his sanity back and walked outside the bathroom, heading over their table again

he slowly sat on his seat, sipping his coffee. he can feel their eyes following every move he made. he nervously looked up the clock, located at the wall above the counter

"i think we should go now, i still have to do my homework for tomorrow" renjun stood up with an empty cup in his hand

jaemin and jeno chuckled and shook their heads together. "renny, tomorrow's saturday"

the said boy blushed out of embarrassment, looking down as he sat back

"okay look, i don't want to hide this anymore and I'm not going to repeat myself so you should really listen carefully. i like you guys, both of you, equally. i don't know how but i guess you guys are just so amazing and have everything what i like to a person" he said without looking at them, afraid of what they would say about it

the pair stared at him in surprised, they never actually thought that it was true. renjun, their love, likes them back

it took 10 minutes for jeno to blink and sink in all the information he got. he smiled with his eyes forming into crescent. "what?"

"i said i won't repeat myself anymore!"

"I'm sorry, i just want to hear you repeat it"

jaemin just chuckled and hugged renjun, whispering into his ear. "I like you too"

"Me three" they heard jeno whisper into the other ear of renjun, making him blush again



and they all giggled, not caring about the people staring at their table

finale. :>

*takes a deep breath* THIS BOOK REACHED 5K..



do you guys want me to make another nct book? if so, comment the ship ^•^

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