Johnny x Reader

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You often found yourself daydreaming but his black hair and dark brown eyes shining in the sunlight. How he would run his fingers through his hair and smile up at you with his pearly, white teeth. Watching him lay down in the parking lot and waiting for you to lay down as well.

The bell rang. "Crap." You said, you were late for history. You ran to class and sat down. The teacher merely glanced at you and continued with the lecture he had just begun. You tool your notebook out from your bag and began doodling in it.

"Ms. (Y/L/N), what are you doing?" The teacher questioned you. He walked up to you and grabbed your notebook which contained doodles and the name Johnny written in different handwritings. "Would you like to tell everyone in class who Johnny is?" He questioned you. Blush crept up your neck and you became a full-faced tomato.

"Johnny is my best friend. We've known each other for about 4 years." You said controlling your voice. "He doesn't go to this school." You knew very well that Johnny hadn't gone to school in a long time.

"Very well." The teacher replied and continued his lecture. You never liked attention on you, so you felt so embarrassed. Your face was completely flushed and you couldn't wait to leave school.

The bell rang and you ran out the door, ready to see Johnny. You had to walk a couple of blocks before Steve or Soda could give you pick you up, which always kept you on edge. The socs often rode around the blocks ready to jump anyone whether boy or girl.

You speed walked for about 4 blocks, when you were ambushed by 10 socs ready to attack. You locked eyes with the leader who was wearing a red polo and khakis. He held a knife in his right hand and had two big rings on his left. He was ready to strike.

"Shit." You said and began to back away slowly, but you noticed that they were the same cars as the ones 2 blocks ago. You realized they had been following you and they were just waiting for the right time to strike.

"Hey there, girlie. What are you doing out here all alone?" Red asked. He had an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Nowhere. Leave me alone, this is the greaser side of town." You replied, quickly and nervously.

"Nah. We're in the mood to teach a greaser a lesson and looky here, we found our target." Red said and started to move towards you.

"No, please leave me alone." You said while you turned and began to run. You ran as if you were Ponyboy on the track team. Well that's what you thought until they caught up to you in the span of 2 minutes.

"Did you really think you would be able to outrun all of us?" He asked. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, that was a dumb move." He said while grabbing your hair. You yelled in pain and fell to the floor, scratching your knees.

You looked at Red in the eye and spat on his shoes. You realized a minute too late, that that was a big mistake. Red grabbed the knife and began to cut your left cheek right under the eye. You refused to let him get to you. He kept pressing harder and he urged the others to kick you while one held onto your hair, so you couldn't escape. You let out an agonizing scream of pain, which made the guys smile while some laughed at your expense.

A revving sound was heard and the slam of two car doors. The socs stopped for a second but continued hurting you soon after. You felt as if hours had passed by and that your body wasn't responding to your commands to fight back. Black spots appeared in your vision, signaling you were about to faint. "Hey! Let her go now!" A familiar voice yelled at the socs. You couldn't focus on the face that was right above you. Fighting noises were heard all around. Suddenly, you were being lifted up and laid down in the backseat of the car and were being tapped on the face.

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