Daryl Dixon 1

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"Oh my god!  You guys!  This is amazing!"  I was truly shocked as I looked out at everyone crowded around the fire pit, holding presents after having just sang me happy birthday.

"Dale put this all together.  The presents aren't much but-"

"I didn't expect anything to be honest, in the middle of the end of the world." I told Carol as she handed me a bag. It had my favorite body products inside and I couldn't help my smile.  I had told her how much I missed the smell of my shampoo. 

"Glenn actually got it for me, so thank him, in fact he got most of this stuff on his last run."  I thanked Glenn and continued opening my presents, hugging everyone individually. 

"Thank you everyone, this was awesome, Dale especially for thinking of me like this, I'm so thankful that during the end of the world I can still have friends like you guys."  The girls all hugged me as everyone began walking towards their tents, Hershel and the girls going inside their house.

"Come on honey, bed time."  Mom spoke to Carl who had laid across my lap and drifted off a while ago.

"Night buddy.  I think I'm going to wash up if you don't mind."  I told my mom as dad picked my little brother off my lap, gesturing to my soap products and she nodded.

"Just be careful."  Once everyone had gone to bed I began my trek down to the pond only to stop as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey Y/n."  I had turned right into the chest of Daryl Dixon.  Daryl had interested me since the day we met back at the quarry.  He didn't say much, and to be honest I don't think he had ever said anything at all to me but I had had a crush on him since I can remember.

"Hey Daryl.  I didn't see you at the party, did you go hunting tonight?"  He shook his head.

"Nah, I just don't like bein around everyone all at once.  I didn't want you thinkin I was a jerk though."  I was stunned by this, not that I thought he was a jerk, but that he cared at all if I did.

"Daryl, I don't think that at all.  You don't like crowds of people, I get it, a lot of people are like that.  No big deal, I promise."  He nodded.

"Well, Happy Birthday Y/n.  I remember seein you on the second day after Merle and I got to camp, you were upset cause you had left your stuffed rabbit behind."

"Yeah, Marko.  I had him since I was little, he was a present from my dad.  Childish thing to get upset over considering where we are but-"

"No, I thought...I thought it was cute."  I could see the blush on his cheeks even through the dark and couldn't help mine.  I knew Daryl wasn't a talking kind of guy and it meant a lot that he was making an effort at all, let alone on my birthday.  "Anyway, I know I could never replace it, but-"  he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stuffed bunny rabbit and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

  "Anyway, I know I could never replace it, but-"  he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stuffed bunny rabbit and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen

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