Klaus Mikaelson 15

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Warning: Accidental Prescription drug abuse

Klaus is usually very controlled when it comes to his anger around you.  He worships you, you're his precious Little Wolf, he would never want to hurt or upset you in any way but everyone makes mistakes. 

Especially when strong emotions are involved.

You didn't know Stefan had stolen the coffins.  If you had you would have offered to help him, or at least just checked on him and left him alone.  You definitely wouldn't have chosen to be so needy right at that moment though.

'Daddy!'  You whined, walking into the room and seeing him pacing the floor and stareing at his phone with a look on his face that was displeased and you immediately wanted to help.  'Daddy!  You've been out all day!  Come snuggle with me!'  He ignored you, typing on his phone after downing the glass of bourbon and picking up the bottle.  'Dadd-yyy!  I've been alone all day!  I would like some attention now please?  You can take care of your Hybrids later.'

'Not now.'  He grunted, barely even responding and you didn't like it.  Your Daddy had always told you that you were more important to him than anything and you were sure that meant whatever was on his phone right now too.  'I'll be back.'  He mumbled, walking around you towards the front door and you followed him right away.

'No!  I want my Daddy!  You can go later, stay and snuggle me!' He didn't answer you, opening the front door before you grabbed his belt.  'Daddy!'  You whined loudly and suddenly he whirled around with an angry look on his face, the kind of look he had Never given you before.

'Enough Y/n!'  He shouted. He didn't call you Little Wolf or Princess, he didn't even call you Babygirl, you hadn't heard your Daddy use your name since your third date at least.  'I'm busy!  I know you can see that by the fact that for once, just Once in our relationship you're not getting whatever it is that you want!'  His eyes bled the yellow color that you usually loved to see as it meant your Daddy was excited but this didn't feel like that at all.  I tried to pull my arm away from him but he now held onto my hand that had been on his belt.  'Now I have to go to the Boarding House and deal with a problem, one that can't wait until I have given you however much attention it is that you need right now!  You can clearly see that this is important so for once in your life stop behaving like a brat and give me some space!  I'll take care of you when I get home, you'll be waiting upstairs on the bed!'  With that he shoved my hand away and slammed the door behind him, starting the car immediately and as he did I noticed the pain shooting down my hand and fingers, looking down to see my pinky and ring finger bending backwards at an odd angle that made my stomach turn.  I tried to keep my hand completely still as I realized I couldn't move them before running to the bathroom and puking up everything I had eaten for breakfast, refusing to look at my hand again, knowing I would just start dry heaving.  I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head, no longer in my headspace by a long shot but trying to relax from my Daddy just shouting in my face and my fingers being very clearly broken.

I pulled out my phone, ordering an Uber quickly and running up the stairs, figuring out how to maneuver into a pair of sweat pants with only one hand before working one of Daddy's hoodies over my head.  Knowing I couldn't call him to take me to the hospital since he was doing something so important that he could get so mad at me for it, I thought at least having his hoodie and smell would make me feel better. The pain was getting worse as the adrenaline began wearing off and I grabbed my keys, shoving them and my wallet into my pocket and walking back down the stairs, locking the front door and walking to the curb to get into the Uber.

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