Chapter 2: Professor Madison

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"Good morning class, how is everyone doing today?" A woman's voice echoed as the class remained silent.

" I will be your English teacher this semester. "

"My name is professor Madison, but you may call me Ms. Maddie for short. "

Everyone stared at the beautiful woman who titled herself as our professor. Professor Madison stood at about 5'8 tall and was vivacious in shape. Her hair was a long golden brown and her eyes shined baby blue. Her body was fit but curvy from the hips down. She wore glasses that molded her face into an angel. No one could believe what they saw especially knowing this beautiful creature would be our professor for four months straight.

"Ms. Madison, um, how many essays will we be doing this semester? A girl yelled from across the room."

"5 essays, two oral reports, and one short story."

Ms. Madison replied

"Everyone in here is expected to turn their papers in on time. There will be NO excuses for any late work! We are in college now, NOT in kindergarten. Does everyone understand?"

The class shook their head in unison while remaining silent. I too, could not speak.

Ms.Madison had a tone to her that was firm, yet soft. Her face showed compassion and a yearning for respect all at once. Her body language matched every word she said so gracefully. Ms. Madison was a piece of art.

"Are you shocked that our first professor of the day is a mermaid?"

I whispered to Marie.

"Eh, she is pretty, but I have seen prettier."

Marie replied

" I'm going to keep my mouth shut."

I said as I looked at Marie in a confused way.

My hands started to get sweaty and my train of thought was, well, falling off the tracks.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

I said to myself as I took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts.

" I'm not even fucking paying attention to anything this woman is saying! Why am I feeling this way? I'm supposed to like MEN not women!!"

I said to myself

"Belle? Belle!!"

Ms. Madison yelled

"Shit, uh I'm here!"

I panicked

"I think someone needs to start paying attention, especially on the first day of class."

Ms. Madison said as the whole room snickered.

"This is going to be a LONG semester."

I said to myself

"But what if someone finds out?" (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now