College to YouTube?

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"Well, Kat? Can you please come with me please it'll be fun to do girl please?" as her friend Payton giving her puppy dog eyes. Payton was offered to a summer of abroad to go to England, which is a country Kataya really wants to go. Payton was asked by her professor to bring a few extra people who are interested in going on the trip. She knew who to ask because she always hears how Kat is gushing about a YouTuber. He maybe older than her but it's what she wants since her age is not like everyone. Payton was in Kat's dorm room with hummingbird Tapestry on the corkboard. Kat was sitting on her bed with her music journal note book doing an assignment when Payton knock on the door. Kat's roommate opened the door because she was leaving for a class.

Kat was told about the trip on how they were going to England to see art and many other sites and events in London. The trip would already be paid for if the grades were good in the classes they are in. They would spend 3 months in England and be back before the new semester starts.

Kat takes her glasses off and sighs while putting having glasses hang on the collar of her shirt, she thinks for a moment to get the pros and cons of doing the trip. She looks up at Payton who was still doing the puppy dog face with the pleading hand gesture towards her chest. Kat shakes her hand while smiling and says "I would love to go but your professor could mean people in your major and I'm a Music Major so how is that going to work?" "That's why I ask him about people out of my major and he said yes it's good to have people outside of the art to travel, you get inspired for others outside of major. Plus Tania and Makayla are going on the trip.  So you gotta come because Cody is going to come too because Tania is convincing him too. PLease?" Payton gave the puppy eyes again and moved closer to Kat bed. Kat scoots back to her arm pillow and leaned on it. Looks at Payton being little blind she can't see her all the details of Payton but can see her standing there. Kat thinks more, 'okay I know want to go to England. But I have not traveled outside of the country before, then again it's a once in a life to do this.' She puts her glasses on, looks at Payton. " Any idea where we are staying? You sure the school is paying for it?" Payton grins, she looks at Kat's laptop, grabs it and sat beside her and opened her laptop. Kat put the password in while Payton wasn't looking. Once Kat logged in she nugs Payton to look. She went to the website that the professor showed her. 

Kat looks at the rooms and all the expenses, where it is located

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Kat looks at the rooms and all the expenses, where it is located. "What would we doing if I go?" she asked Payton replies with going to outlook then turns to Kat and she asked, "is it okay if I switch accounts to show you the email that I received from my Professor?" Kat nod, Payton logged out of Kat's account and went into her's. Look for the email and click on it with all the information from when they leave, flight hours, where they are going to be staying, what they were going to do while being in England,  and when they leave. Well, good timing came in because Kat's mom is video calling her. She accepts the request and takes to her mom. "Hi, how are you?" With Payton by Kat's side. " I'm good just got home and wanted to know what you are up too?" Kat smiles at her mom's response and then look at Payton, turns back to the screen while sighing. 'Well I might as well tell her now' "Mom, Payton is asking if I could join her on to the trip to England is going to be 3 months during the summer. I didn't know about this until she barged into my room when my roommate was leaving for class. What do you think? You can ask Payton all the questions you want on this trip, it was her idea of inviting me." Her mom's expression went to questionable look when Kat was done speaking. Kat moved the laptop to the middle of where both Kat's and Payton's were sitting on the bed. Payton smiled and waved at Kat's mom. "Hi, look my professor needs a few more people for the trip because I may have said I wish my friends were coming they are not art major they would love the experience of a different culture lifestyle, which made more ideas flow. He has only allowed me to bring her and Cody with me for the trip. The trip is all paid for. Could I borrow your daughter for 3 months please?" "You know she is my daughter and I have not seen her since Christmas, is there anything I need to know or pay for the trip? I am going to say yes because she needs to have fun while learning in her major. Kataya, if you do the trip you cannot do the summer classes like you wanted to do remember?" My mom says. I close my eye's "damn it that's what I was going to do to focus on my major for other years. Darn it" Kat's hand is closed fist light hitting her forehead. Payton looks at Kat, "Kat you know you can get the other classes done online right?" Kat looks at  Payton with a questioning look.  "How so?" "Well we're not always doing stuff during the 3 months we have days where we a breather and the professor actually told we need to get our general academics done while there. So he offered to teach us, even though he is an art teacher there's going to be a history teacher, science, math with us they offered to do that." "Wait seriously, what about textbooks?" "They are going to do it digitally." Kat Looks at her mom, "Well? Could I go, please?" She gives the same puppy eyes Payton gave to her. Her mom's looks off the screen. "Our daughter wants to go to England for 3 months. Apparently, there is going to 1 teacher of each subject for the general academic classes. Her friend Payton invited her." Kat's mom turned to us "How many of you guys are going?" Kat looks at Payton and Payton went to the email and answered 10 people are going on the trip. " That's not counting Kataya right?" Kat's Mom asked. Payton says "That includes her. We have few people who drop out when it went out because they are either busy or cannot afford to go even though the trip is all paid for from the fundraisers we did earlier this year some from last year too. I'm telling you, your daughter can make money come in like a thunderstorm. She's good. She raised most of the money from bake sales to car washes, to anything. So could we please take her to England with us for the summer, please?" "How am I going to move my stuff out and make sure I have my summer clothes with me?" Kat asked Payton. She answered "Well after your finals you can pack up your stuff move it to your new dorm and go home and get your summer clothes and pack for the trip. then come back spend a few days on campus and we leave the campus to go to the airport together." Kat looks at her mom on the screen. She nods and smiles. "Have fun with England and make sure I know when you leave because I want to take you to the airport okay?" "Payton, why don't we go to my house pack together meet the others in England that way my family can say goodbye to us together but mom would you be okay with that?" Kat looks at the screen again. Her mother nod. "Yeah, that would work how would your professor feel about that?" Payton then goes to the outlook and emailed the professor and wrote the email with the request. The response was quick. 

Yes, that would be good but you would have to get your ticket before you leave the campus to go home and pack, come by my office after your last final to get your tickets. See you in England! 🙂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 

After Payton finishing reading the email out loud. THye waited for Kat's mom reaponse. She sighs and says fine. "So I can go right?" Kataya resurring it's correct on her mom's answer. 


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