Chapter 2:The Announcement.

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------------------------------------17 years later----------------------------------------

The war was about to begin and Mr Hamilton was ready to announce to his people of this bad news. A stage was set up and people started to gather in this unexpected evening. The chief ascended the stage with a weary expression on his face. His calm green eyes now seemed to be hiding in the shadows of his eyelids. The people felt sudden change as if everything they had known was about to go. Mr Hamilton began " my dear people I have never in my life given you any kind of bad news however unfortunately there is a burden on my shoulder that now I must share it with you". The people looked at each other in confusion. " My people, today the world will witness a war and this time it is likely that our village gets involved". "  My young men I must inform you that you may be asked to join the ranks and fight for freedom, however if you do so you keep in mind that you are doing this for your village",,"This is all i have got to say, Thankyou", the chief descended the stage, as he was walking toward's his carriage, he beckoned to seventeen year old William to follow him.

The next day the chief had to inform something very important, that he forgot to include in his speech yesterday,everyone gathered agin, the chief announced,"People!, now it's time to protect  yourselves, each and everyone one of you is supposed to dig out a big shelter, beneath your house for protection",,"The shelter must contain a procession of food and water", the people understood and went immediately to work, they collected the equipment such as spades, shovel's and wheelbarrows, they worked tirelessly, they made great shelters for their homes.Afterward's the people went to the farmers to borrow some food for their home's.

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