Chapter 1

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The morning sun rose, the birds chirping melodiously — the signs of a fine, sunny day — became ironic in Kuroko's blue eyes.

Kuroko was sitting next to Kise's bed, staring blankly at the scenery through the large window.

It had been three days since the tragedy happened... and Kise had not yet woken up.

Kuroko shifted his gaze to Kise. He was lying unconsciously on the bed, his head, right arm and both legs bandaged. An IV drip was attached to his wrist.

Kuroko's thought went back to three days ago. According to the doctor who was in charge of Kise, he was involved in severe car crash which left his car completely wrecked. It was a miracle that Kise had survived.

Unfortunately to the other car owner whom his car collided with Kise's, he passed away alongside with his wife and two daughters, leaving the couple's only baby boy alive. Based on the witnesses who saw the post-accident, the mother bent her whole body to cover her youngest child on her lap.

Sacrificing her life for her own child's... It was heartbreaking, yet it touched many people's hearts.

Currently the baby boy was in the hospital nursery. Kuroko had visited the baby yesterday, and by just looking at him... it stirred something in him.

Kuroko had decided to adopt the little boy, which was still in the process.

Back to Kise, yes, he survived. But, the doctor said it came with a price. He added, he was not sure yet, still the doctor said that the impact of the collision was very hard on Kise's head.

The doctor concluded with, "It may or may not be happening, but Kise-san has a high chance of...."

Losing his memory, Kuroko ended his flashback with a sigh.

He rested his head against his arms which lied on the side of the bed.

Now, what am I going to do if... it is real?

Kuroko felt like he was on the verge of tears. There were too many frustrating thoughts on his mind that he could not handle well.

He felt hopeless.

"He hasn't yet woken up, it seems."

A male voice behind him made him sit straight and turn to the direction of the source.

"Aomine-kun... and Kagami-kun."

"Hey, Kuroko." Kagami greeted. "Here, I bought you food for breakfast."

"You don't have to..."

"Nah, it's better to. I can see you haven't taken care of yourself since that day," Aomine interrupted. "I'm sure he will be glad to find you nourished when he wakes up."

Kuroko looked at them, eyes glistening.

He was lucky to have friends who care for him... like them, wasn't he?

Kagami quickly grabbed a food from the plastic bag and gave it to Kuroko. "Here, help yourself."

"Thank you..." Kuroko took the food and began to eat.

Aomine pulled two empty chairs near him. He gave one to Kagami — which he gladly took — and sat next to Kuroko.

"Anyway, my team has investigated the cause of the accident," Aomine began, trying to be careful with his words. He knew it was a sensitive topic to Kuroko. "According to the CCTV which taped the incident, when Kise was making a turn to the right... the other car from the opposite direction seemed to have lost control and cross the next path — which happened to be the one Kise went to."

"One thing also... The other car speed was beyond limit and its brake was not functioning," Aomine continued, frowning. "I'm not sure if this is true, but the accident seems like a planned murder."

Kagami looked at Aomine warily while Kuroko remained passive.

"Oh, before I forget," Aomine stood up. "Kagami, where's my bag?"

"Here," Kagami gave him the bag.

Aomine pulled down the zip and started roaming his hands inside the bag.

"My team found this on the seat next to Kise," Aomine handed the bouquet of roses. Many of the petals were already wilted and were coated with creamy white substance, the plastic covering the flowers was looking a bit wretched. "I think he bought this for you. There was also a vanilla shake... but the content spilt... so I can't bring it to you. But, I can bring the smell though. Hope it hasn't yet spoiled."

Aomine let out a forced laugh, in hopes to brighten Kuroko's already sad day while handing the flowers to him.

But, Kuroko did not laugh. He looked at the flowers with his tear-filled eyes.

That made Aomine feel guilty.

Kuroko took his time to completely remove the bouquet from Aomine's hands.

He could smell the vanilla... his favourite flavour.

"Th-thank you, Aomine-kun."

Kagami gently grabbed Aomine's arm, who in response, looked at him quizzically.

"I think you need time to be alone... We'll be back in an hour. Let's go, Daiki."

The door opened, then closed. Kuroko remained his eyes on the bouquet, not even glancing when his friends went out.

He blinked at the letter attached to the bouquet. He did not realise this was there...

Kuroko detached the letter gently. On the letter, written, "To my Tetsuya-cchi." with Kise's handwriting.

Those writing made Kuroko tear up again. I am getting emotional again, he thought.

Kuroko carefully unfolded the letter. Some of the words were stained by the vanilla shake, but he could read them well.

To my dear Tetsuya-cchi,

Hehehe, I repeated those words again, didn't I? (^~^") Anyway, hello Tetsuya-cchi! It has been a while-ssu. I miss you. (T-T)

You must be wondering why did I write this letter for you to read when I am next to you, waiting for you to finish reading my letter.

Well, I just feel like want to be a more romantic husband for Tetsuya-cchi. (^0^) How do I do? Do you fall deeper for me now? (^-<)

Please don't hit me with Ignite Pass! I'm just kidding! (ToT)

Enough about that. This time I am serious, really. (>~<)

It has been 2 weeks. So... How about a romantic dinner date at our usual restaurant tomorrow night? (^3^)

Kise Ryouta.

Kuroko stared at the last paragraph of Kise's letter. He could not contain his tears anymore - this was too much.

Of course, I'd love to, Ryouta-kun...

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