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Disclaimer: Later in the chapter there will be implications of sex.

Lin's POV:
Oh my god it's so hard to look at him and not rip his clothes off. I know I shouldn't think this way I mean Groff is my best friend and as much as I want him to be mine I would hate to lose our amazing friendship.

Groff's POV:
I can tell that when looks at me there something more in his eyes than just a "bromance." Id be lying if I said that I didn't want something more. But I know our kissing and cuddling is probably just a really good friendship but fuck, if Lin asked to me to be more I wouldn't even have to think about my answer.

Lin's POV:
Ok this is getting to be too much for me to handle. I have to tell Groff how I feel. How I want to wake up next to him every morning, make him breakfast in bed, and raise Sebby and my future kids with him by my side.

Lin: Groff there's something I need to tell you

Groff: Ok, what's up?

Lin: Ok I know that you know more about me than my own family does but there's something you don't know.

Groff: What?

Lin: I may or may not have a hardcore crush on someone really close to me.

Groff: *internally* (oh no, he likes someone else. How could I be so stupid to think that he likes me when there's other guys like Daveed that are way hotter.)

Lin: Uh hello Groffsauce?

Groff: Oh sorry, yeah?

Lin: You zoned out there for a second. You ok?

Groff: Yeah I was just thinking about something.

Lin: What?

Groff: Who you like.

Lin: Oh, anything else?

Groff: y-yeah.

Lin: What?

Groff: like how you'll never like me like that.

*Lin pulls Groff into a sloppy but passionate kiss*

Lin: Groffy I fucking love you.

Groff: Really? You're not just saying that to make me feel better?

Lin: If course I love you, you're funny and sweet and charming and a great kisser.

Groff: *blushes*

Lin: Aww you look so cute with a blush. But you know what would be even cuter?

Groff: What?

Lin: Seeing you all dressed up for our date later.

Groff: Oh Mr. Smooth, we have a date later?

Lin: Well you know we could always skip the date and I could fuck you endlessly over the side of my bed.

Groff: *moans*

Lin: Would you like that?

Groff: mmm fuck yes.

Lin: *pulls Groff closer* You're a naughty boy aren't you?

Groff: Oh god yes.

Lin: After the show do you want to go back to my place naughty boy?

Groff: mmm yesss

Lin: Ok we'll leave together later.

Groff: Ok

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