The Walk That Would Kill Us | Part One

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Madison and I laughed as we walked down the busy street of New York City. We were best friends, and lived right next to each other in a expensive penthouse in a skyscraper. Both of our parents traveled the world for their business. I guess you could call us rich. Charlie, my dog, needed to go for a walk. Madison and I agreed we should take a walk. It was around 7, and we had just finished eating. "Woah Charlie! I can't walk as fast as you can!" I giggled. The sun was setting and all was well with the world. "Let's go over here," Madison suggested. I was fine with it, so we took a new path to walk. It got darker and darker. "Um, Maddie, I think we should start heading home...It's getting darker and I've never been over here before..." We tried to find our way back but just kept getting lost. All of a sudden, Charlie started growing. "What is it boy? What, Char?" Before we knew it, 4 guys popped up and hit us over the head with a metal pipe.


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