Chapter 3: Encounter

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-Three days later- 

Diana woke up and headed to the main deck and smelled the salty air. She stretched towards the sun and closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth. Diana suddenly began to hum a song when Benwick noticed her.

"Diana!" Benwick shouted and Diana opened her eyes. He joined her and stared at the sea below them. "How're you feeling?" Diana smiled and a grin spread across his face.

"Better than yesterday at least." She said while placing a hand under her chin.

"I heard you humming, you should sing to the crew some time. Your voice sounds like a beautiful melody," Benwick complemented. Diana rolled her eyes and nudged him gently. "What? I'm only telling the truth." 

"Benwick's telling the truth, Diana." Eizen said as he joined them and Diana smiled brightly at him. He smiled back as he stood next to her.

"So, what's next, First Mate?" Benwick asked. Eizen placed a finger in his chin and closed his eyes in deep thought.

Before Diana could get Eizen's attention, something moved in the corner of her eye. She stepped away from Eizen and Benwick to see what it was, it was a ship that resembled a Merchant's that caught her attention. They were heading towards the Vortigern Sea Gate Fortress. Diana ran back to Eizen and Benwick.

"Eizen, Benwick!" Diana called out.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"There's a merchant ship that is heading for Vortigern!" She exclaimed, pointing at the ship and Eizen's eyes grew wide.

"The Sea Gate Fortress. Why would they be heading there?" Eizen asked.

"They probably don't know the gates are sealed. Should we stop them?" Benwick asked. Eizen pondered for a moment, then his eyes met Diana's.

"Diana, are you up for this?" Eizen asked.

"Of course but I shouldn't summon for the time being."

"Aim the cannons for the water next to the ship. We'll ground the ship and warn them," Eizen said to the crew. They all nodded and went to their stations. Diana got to her position on the front of the ship and takes out her book as it levitated. "Aim your artes at the port side of the ship."

She nodded and prepared herself. The ship speed up and Diana used water artes to push their ship towards the nearest island. After a few minutes of cannon fire and artes, the ship grounded near West Laban Tunnel. Diana saw the people on the ship get off and prepare themselves for battle.

"Drop anchor!" Eizen shouted.

Eizen and Diana stay on board while Benwick confronted the strangers. After a few minutes of waiting, Eizen and Diana left the Van Eltia.

"That'll be us," Eizen said as they approached the strangers. Diana sensed something strange about two of them and could tell Eizen felt the same dark presence.

"Two daemons, a Malak, and a witch. That's quite a group you've got," Diana said with a smirk. "The little boy with them is a Malak with extraordinary power. I can feel it just by standing close to him."

"Why did you target our ship?" The girl with long black hair growled. Diana tugged on Eizen's sleeve and he looked at her.

"I'll handle this," Diana whispered in his ear.

"Are you sure you're not pushing yourself?" He asked. Diana smiled to reassure him.

"I'll be fine, Eizen." He nodded and Diana walked a few steps forward. "You were heading towards the Sea Gate. The gates have been sealed shut by the order of the Abbey. We stopped you to give you this warning so you wouldn't be killed."

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