2 | Best Friend's Engagement Party.

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"Get ready for the engagement party, we are leaving at 7:00pm exactly, do not even be late for one second, do you understand?" my mother said, while narrowing her eyes, she was all ready for the party and it was only 4:00pm

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Get ready for the engagement party, we are leaving at 7:00pm exactly, do not even be late for one second, do you understand?" my mother said, while narrowing her eyes, she was all ready for the party and it was only 4:00pm.

"Yes mother." i muttered before bowing, secretly rolling my eyes before looking back up again.

She nodded before heading out of my bedroom, and i knew she was gone when i heard her Chanel high heels clicked every time she took a step down the stairs.

I leaned back and fell on my bed before i snuggled back in my bed. I tried to sleep again, but i couldn't, especially when my mind could only remember how mother told me to get ready.

"Fucking hell, couldn't you just let me sleep for 20 more minutes before waking me up? Now i can't go back to sleep." i cursed before sitting back up and ruffled my hair like a crazy woman.

"Guess i have 3 hours to get ready." i said before heading to my wardrobe to get my engagement dress.

I got dressed while i hummed a sweet ballad, then headed over to my makeup vanity table to do my makeup.

I usually have a makeup artist to do my makeup at special occasions, but i loathe the feel of people touching my face and i can't move and just have to sit there for god knows how long.

So i told my mother to let me do my own makeup for today, because only i knew what look i want to go for my best friend's engagement party.

I finished applying all my base makeup and i was about to do my eye makeup.

What shall i do for today? A smokey eye or a pink coral themed eye?

I looked over to my little box next to the mirror before opening it to see the item i was looking for.

My coin.

This coin was my lucky charm, every time i have to make decisions, no matter if they're small or big, i would always use this coin, because it was what my father gave me when we were not rich, or famous, the last gift he gave me before he turned into a person i was not familiar with, a person who doesn't care about anything else except for money.

"Head for smoking eye and tail for pink coral themed eyes." I said before flipping it in the air and the cold surface of the coin touched my bare hand. I put my other hand over it to cover it, before revealing the choice.


I smiled before putting my coin back, good choice as always.

And i finished the rest of my make up before heading downstairs to prevent being late.


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