Taming the Flame - Chapter6

Start from the beginning


He raised the water behind him into two pillar that whirled like spiraling stair cases.

"And let us not forget beauty"

It was with these words that he shaped the water columns into the girls who showed him the most adoration.

"And do not worry lads I promise a lot of actions as well"

The Pillars with the faces of the girls collapsed into two large serpents which began to bite at each other with sharp fangs. None of the students found the sounds made by the water odd, indeed they hissed like real serpents. Most Servs could not see magic like this everyday and very few among them could exercise such control.

Truth be told neither could Malik, all that the students witnessed was an illusion, the sound effects were part of the illusion. Manipulating water especially to such a degree was beyond the young magi and as such he opted to use illusions. Alice was aware of it but still enjoyed the stories the boy told and the shows he put on.

Joy filled him as the servs in their varied clothes came before him to witness the show. Today would be the Tail of how the Serv Knight, Mariegold and the Magi Forrester over came the undead armies of the forsaken lich. The zombies and heroes all made of the illusionary water, their battles played out in the air above Malik 's head. He did not have the time for the full story and almost every child knew the story, so he kept to the most violent and romantic parts. His audience was cheering, and he could even see a smile on the face of the teacher, sitting under the tree. He never spoke with her but the idea that even a grown-up Magi enjoyed his performance, made him overflow with joy. Usually his medicine would suppress such an extreme joy but there seemed be no cap to his happiness. The joy and focus were thrown into his illusion and they became more detailed. He called upon his clan 's ability to channel their emotions into their spell works. The zombies when slain began to pile up rather than dissolve back into water. It was in the middle of the show that something hit Malik in the head. His focus was broken, and the illusion faded.

"Get out of here !!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice shouted full of sadness. "And you have you all forgotten what they did to Salis?"

It was a girl with yellow hair. It was not a bright colour, more of a dirty hay like material.

"Agos killed him and now you welcome one here to show you party tricks like a bunch of children. Well we haven't forgotten"

The girl twisted her face in anger at the entire group. Her friends arrived with a basket of eggs from places unknown and they began to hurl them at the Magi.

The students wishing not to be apart of this began to slowly leave the plaza as eggs rained on the performer. Alice want to intervene but Malik started to play along and toss jokes at them.

"You know if you wanted a cook out I could have brought my chef 's hat" He taunted them with a smile on his face. The servs did not notice that even when the eggs hit their target,they would simply pass through. Alice decided not to intervene since the graceful dodging of the Magi was an illusion. The real Malik just stood there unseen, joking at them while his illusion danced around the eggs.

"Should I light a fire and we can rose these eggs" It was a poor choices words, seeing as he did not know, Galin had burnt the boy to death but simply hoped to make an eggcelent pun. His illusion called a small ball of flame to his hands, but the crowd seemed to turn on him.

"You aren't wanted here" The shouting began "You do not belong here!" The chants grew louder and louder.

Malik was becoming increasingly upset, His cheering crowd had turned on him for something that was not his fault. He thought to strike the hay haired girl but that would only make things worse. He resolved to flee under the cover of his illusion, but his foot slipped and with a splash he landed in the fountain. The water itself would have been embarrassing enough but all the eggs that passed through his illusion had dirtied the water.

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