Chapter Two: The Switch

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As both heroes arrived at the scene of the attack, chaos was arising. Multiple civilians were running from all directions away from the terror that was attacking Metropolis. There in the middle of it was Batman and Wonder Woman's worst enemies. Joker and his henchmen were robbing the central bank and shooting guns off like rapid fire. Cheetah was terrorizing innocent civilians that were trying to run away from the harm. More villains include Bane and Doomsday were wreaking havoc on the city making it impossible for people to get to safety.

Batman and Wonder Woman rushed off to deal with each villain, Batman heading towards Bane and Wonder Woman heading towards Cheetah. As Batman was rushing towards Bane he threw a batarang at him as it exploded, reaching the tall body of a monster. It unfortunately didn't do much damage as Bane turned around ready to break the Batman. His veins pumping the venom through the plastic tubes attached to his body. As the venom was pumping through his veins he was feeling a strength he'd never felt before. As Batman went to knock him off balance, Bane grabbed him and threw him away as if he was a measly piece of paper.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman was having an all out fight with Cheetah, the animals claws colliding with her bracers, Diana pushed her away as she grabbed her lasso swinging it around and throwing it on the sharp clawed villain. She yanked her forward as Diana's fist collided with her enemies head knocking her out for the time being. As she turned around she saw her love being thrown away. She rushed to him reminding herself she couldn't show much affection as they weren't Bruce and Diana but Batman and Wonder Woman.

"You okay?" She asked him as he slowly got up. She went to turn to Bane ready for a fight but a gloved hand caught her arm. She turned towards him. "He's mine I got this. Go help with the others." He replied getting up off the ground. As she nodded her head she ducked slightly as Superman flew through the sky with Doomsday in his reach, fists clashing at each other. Batman was now off the ground and ready to fight back as Diana rushed off to help Superman.

Batman was now beginning to test Bane's strength knowing he had the ability to break him into two halves like a sandwich. He was now charging towards his arch nemesis bringing everything he had as he threw some small black smoke bombs at him. He suddenly disappeared as Bane looked around confused. Then out of nowhere Batman jumped on him bringing a sharp knife to his tubes cutting them as blood rushed out scattering all over the ground. He now brought the enemy down with a vile that would knock him out and drain the strength from his body. 

As Superman and Doomsday flew through the city, both clashing against the buildings and creating damage as debris fell from the skyscrapers. Diana rushed to get civilians to safety as Superman knocked Doomsday into the concrete road, Diana had the chance to bring him down and stop the chaos that was hurting this city. She ran up to the hole Doomsday was currently occupying as the rock covered creature looked almost knocked out but not quite down yet. 

As the three heroes were standing next to each other looking at the creature, they both didn't know what to do with it. "You could take it into space." Diana suggested as Superman nodded. "Make sure its very deep space." Batman replied as Superman took the creature flying into the star filled universe. 

They both still had Joker and his henchmen to handle. Most of the henchmen fled the bank with money and Joker was nowhere to be found. Both ran into the bank and stopped the remaining henchmen from taking any more money. They both tied up them up and looked around for Joker but they had a feeling he fled with some money. As the remaining villains and henchmen were taken away from the scene, a signal on Batman's arm went off. He looked on his arm to see a code red situation in Metropolis park. He turned to Diana

"Joker is up to something in Metropolis Park, my scans have shown that is highly dangerous. Superman is still up in space dealing with doomsday so its just you and me." He said as Diana started walking down the street with him. "Its only a couple blocks away." Diana replied as both heroes started running down the city blocks passing shops and small businesses. 

As they arrived at Metropolis Park, no one was there as it was quiet as the night. There in front of a statue of Superman, which was put up after the kyptonian first came to earth and helped them from countless attacks, Joker stood in front of it with no other than his crazy girlfriend Harley Quinn. in front of him was a bomb that was set for detonating in less than a minute. 

Batman and Wonder Woman were in serious alert as they stared at the psycho green haired clown in front of them. Joker now holding a remote in his hand stood there as he turned around with a smirk on his face. "Well well well if it isn't the bat and his partner in crime. What happened sweetie, did he replace his robin for a beauty like you?" He asked laughing his head off like a lunatic. "What's with the bomb Joker?" Batman asked taking a step forward as Joker raised his hand.

"If you take a step forward you will be blown up with the rest of the city." He warned as his finger brushed over the red button on the remote, his sinister laugh filling the air. Bruce and Diana didn't know what to do, it was a do or don't situation and they couldn't risk blowing up a city including millions of lives. 

Bruce and Diana kept their distance not wanting to anger the clown and make the biggest mistake. "You know I was going to watch these wonderful fireworks from a distance but by the look of it why don't we have on last dance." Joker stated as his finger slowly raced for the red button. Batman was already racing towards his enemy, Diana on his heels, his finger getting closer. 

As they raced faster Diana looked at her arms, she was slowly disappearing, her arms fading out as they continued running faster. Bruce in front of her showing no signs of what was currently happening to her. As they almost reached Joker everything was beginning to fade out around her, Bruce was beginning to fade out as well, the park swirling around her.

As she was still running, her feet gave out on her as it felt as she was being transferred to another place. Then out of the bloom her body suddenly crashed against the roof of a building as she landed on top colliding with the cool black stones. Diana groaned as she got up slowly taking in her surroundings. She had a feeling she was in Metropolis but it wasn't Metropolis. The sky was darker in the day and all the buildings were black as many televisions were placed around showing a strange symbol. She wondered what world she was in and how she got here.

She walked to the top of the buildings edge, multiple armored trucks drove past on the road stopping as a civilian looking hungry stopped walking as the trucks stopped. Guards walked out in armored gear wearing the same symbol she saw on the televisions a couple seconds ago. They approached the civilian asking him for identification. The starving man didn't speak as the guards asked again roughly shoving him. The man didn't reply again as one of the guards raised the gun shooting him. Diana was shocked.

She was lost in a world she didn't recognize. She was living in a nightmare where innocent people were shot. She looked around. It was dark, gloomy and most places looked like the dark and poor areas in Gotham except it looked like that everywhere. There was no sign of Bruce anywhere or Joker. She feared that the bomb went off killing her love and the city. She feared she was living in a nightmare waiting to wake up from, she feared she was teleported into another world that lived in terror. 

As she stood looking at her surroundings a helicopter above her shinned a light on her exposing her. It wasn't a friendly helicopter either. It had the same symbol on it as earlier as men started racing down on ropes. Diana feared for what was next as all she wanted was to find Bruce and go home.         

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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