Abhi jiju...

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Abhi reached his dream house, the paradise in which he enjoyed every moments with pragya all these days. A lone tear escaped from his eye reminding him pragya's state. But he was determined to be strong, and solve the problem once and for all at any cost. Everyone got assemebled there. Naina, Aaliya, Sanjeev, Purab and Rishi. While Purab, Naina and Rishi were aware of everything, Aaliya was pestering purab to spill the truth and Sanjeev couldn't understand what is going around him. Once he entered the house, the first one he met was Sanjeev. He came out to make a call.

sa: u.. i've seen you somewhere.. somewhere...

ab: I'm Abhishek Prem Mehra...

sa: u.. abhishek.. u.. u.. u are my didi's buddhu...

abhi was shocked and again a tear escaped from his eye on hearing the word buddhu..

ab: yeah.. and ur to be jiju..

sa: where is my didi??

asked sanjeev little raged...

ab: plz don't get angry sanjeev.. calm down..

sa: what to calm down?? u'd never know, how much didi has suffered bcoz of you??

ab: i know everything..

sa: what u know?? u'd have known it as only an information... But it's me, my tai ji and tau ji who had literally seen her suffering..

With the chaos, everyone came outside..

rishi: Sanjeev plz calm down.. we can understand everything.. but plz.. this is not the time to fight.. we were waiting for the abhi's arrival to let you know the truth.. and now..

rishi looked at abhi..

ab: rishi.. i can't tell that.. you please or purab.. 

aa: abhi.. what happened to bhabhi??

pu: guyz.. i'll tell you.. but for that, plz be patient.. and more importantly plz come inside.. 

sanjeev is basically rebellious but anyhow he agreed to purab's words.. everyone got assembled in the living room.

pu: guyz.. listen clearly.. but there is nothing to panic.. everything is resolved now.. 

aa: purab bhai.. plz.. tell fast, what happened to bhabhi??

pu: vo.. someone tried to kill her.. and they stabbed her and went..

sa & aa: what????

sa: how is my didi now?? nothing problem right??

asked sanjeev in tears...

ab: sanjeev.. patience.. patience.. your didi is all good now.. i took her to the hospital at the right time.. doctors had treated her.. now she is unconscious due to sedation.. she will wake up in 12 hrs.. no harm for her..  the operation is successful..

aa: but?? how?? inspite of the tight security??

ri: yeah.. I enquired with that.. actually tanu and nikhil had captivated the family members of one of the guards and threatened him to help them with sneaking in..

pu: but how did it went unnoticed by other guards??

ri: oh that was all because of your pyaari sister..

ab: what did lava do??

ri: she is your girl na.. what would she do?? after purbul left, she saw the guards little tired.. so she asked few of the men to leave and have rest and told them to take turns and work...

ab: and did these people agreed to it??

asked abhi with anger flaring on his nose..

ri: arey.. man.. don't get angry on them.. it's your lava, who blackmailed them, to go.. she threatened them that, if they don't go and take rest, she will come and complain to you that you that they are not working and cut their salary for a week.. even then they didn't move.. she then started her emotional drama you know.. they didn't move for that too.. then she assigned them some duties like to go and get food for her, groceries for her.. the stupid logic over there was, when they go out, they will definitely become tired and by then u'd arrive, so that u'd command them to take turns and work as she told.. i don't know why on earth, your girl is this dramatic???

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