The Greatest Love is Found on God

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Please bear with me... I'm just an amateur writer.. ^^


The Greatest Love is Found on God

As a teenager by heart and mind and soul, I always find myself fascinated on the subject of love. Many of us have different interpretations of love. I, myself, have a lot of explanation and understanding to it.

But as I learn more and more of the definition of love, I come across that love have endless meanings, boundless interpretations, and infinite significance in our life.

If that’s the case, I really wonder on how I will be able to understand love. Is it that complicated? Why does it is has to be so complex when it’s something we only feel? How can it be so different to our other emotions? Thinking about love made me so confused and bewildered until I found the answers through Jesus Christ.

Many of us youth today disregard the truth about Christ. Perhaps not every one of us is like this but some are, and a lot, around the world.  Because of the lust and ecstasy of the world we often forget about the Word. We tied ourselves to things that will fade eventually, but real love will last eternally.

Life is about love. And God is love. And the best interpretation of true love is through Christ, when he died on the cross for us. It is the greatest love of all.

Whether you agree to this or not, this is the truth.

I have read a saying that says, “The greatest symbol of love is not the heart, but the cross, for the heart will eventually stop beating but the Man on the Cross will never stop loving…”

I hope as you read through that passage, you’ll realize love.

There are times in my life before that I became afraid and ashamed to face Christ because I’m just an imperfect, self-centered sinner. But the love of God made me realize no matter how flawed, damaged, and deficient we are as a human being, He still love, care and long for us. For God so love the world that He gave us His only son.

He has sent us his message of love—and that is Jesus Christ. And God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior—because of love.

God is on your side at this moment—loving you. And this truth will never change; never fade, no matter what circumstances you are in your life right now, God is with you—loving you with the greatest love of all.

I’m praying for you as you read this. Hoping that it can make a difference on how you view love. Hoping that you will also begin to understand the love I found through The Lamb of God. Hoping that this truth will open your heart to the Love of God.

Once you began to live in the love of God, I assure you that you will never ever be the same; you’ll be a much better person than you can imagine. I write these words because I know, see, and feel the goodness on how your life can change by these four-letter-word “LOVE” forever…

To God Be The Glory!

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