Chapter IV

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"And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love

But all my tears have been used up

On another love, on another love"

(Another love - Tom Odell)

It's been days since Emily last saw Alexis, who happens to be the same girl she saw at the park.

It's a Sunday and she's more than glad she could spend the time in her dark room developing her pictures.

Emily's cellphone's alarm startled her, a sticky note on her phone reminded her of her Skype conference video call with the girls in 5 mins. Another notification followed, showing a text message from a number not registered in her phone book. The text message says, "Coffee girl, heard you're free tonight? Can I take you out for dinner or something? Not a serial killer, I promise. - Aly."

Emily lightly pinched the bridge of her nose. If there's anything Jake's good at, it's giving out her mobile number without her permission to all the pretty girls he thinks she should date. He didn't really know the whole story behind her and Alison, neither the reason as to why she has not been in a serious relationship since she moved to Boston. He's just made it his lifetime quest to set her up with practically every girl he thinks she should date--straight or not. But Emily's not looking for a relationship. She's learned to be reserved. She's lived alone in Boston for years. Her hands are already full, a relationship is just... Too much.

Emily replied to Alexis' text message, "Jake gave you my number, didn't he?"

She received a reply instantly, "I have my ways coffee girl. :) Sooo, see you at 7 tonight? Pick you up outside The Brew?"

"I'm not sure I can go," Emily replied politely, as she always does.

"We'll have fun, I promise. You're too pretty to be staying at home. Might as well go out."

"I'll think about it."

"I don't really take no for an answer, gorgeous. :p Next time I'll be hearing a yes from your sexy lips, promise you that. Night, coffee girl."

Alexis' last text inevitably elicited a smile onto Emily's face.

"Good night too."

Emily placed her iPhone on the table and opened her macbook. It didn't take a while til she saw the Skype request for a conference call.

The girls all said "Emmmillyyy" in unison. She missed Spencer, Aria and Hanna. It's been over a week since she last had a conference call with them. They usually call each other every Sunday nights. They all promised to each other they'll get in touch no matter what. That was one of the promises they've made to each other, and has not failed in keeping it since they all graduated and parted ways for college.

Spencer is taking her pre-law in UCLA. While both Hanna and Aria are enrolled in NYU. Hanna's taking up a fashion course, while Aria is getting a degree in Psychology. The girls have been her rock all these years. Emily couldn't be more grateful for still having them in her life.

Hannah: Emily, you've got to see the girl in my class. You are so gonna like her. Hang on, I'm looking at her Facebook page. Awesome, she also swims. Oh, wait. She's also sporty. She jogs. I don't. Oh, who cares. (Hanna spoke mindlessly, flipping through the screen of her phone)

Spencer: No, Em. I have the perfect girl for you. We're in the same class. She's pre-law like me, obviously smart. She's confident, outspoken, pretty hot, VP in our Org, and she's interested in seeing you this coming weekend. She's flying to Boston to see her family. Bonus points for being a local in Boston.

Hanna: Great, Spence. You just described yourself, except the Boston part.

Spence: Excuse me, I'm the President of our Org. Emphasis on "the President", thank you. My classmate is an inaccurate description of myself.

Aria: Na-uh. You guys. My org mate beats all your girls pegged for Emily. Look at her! (Aria put her mobile phone close to her webcam, showing a model-like blonde girl.)

Hannah cut Aria off, "since when did Em go for models? $50 bucks she'll go for my girl."

Spencer: Since Lily, duh. Han, no way Em's going to date someone from NY. She don't do ldr's. She's gonna see my girl. That's $75 bucks for you, Montgomery.

Hanna: No, Spence, this is so not a contest. My girl's prettier and smarter. Wait. I'm trying to find out her iq in her Facebook page. Hang on, Em.

Aria: Maybe her iq's in her breasts.

Aria's comment elicited a laugh from all the girls since Hanna's vid froze to herself showing off her classmate's picture who's awfully blessed on the chest area.

Hanna: Wait, what's so funny. Shit, shit, shit. Did my video freeze again?

Spencer, Emily and Aria teasingly said "no" in unison.

Hanna: Great, stupid vid's frozen.

Emily: Guys, I'm still here (arms waving towards her webcam, smiling, catching the attention of Spencer, Hanna and Aria.

EMISON: Memento Vivere (discontinued) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz