They both sat on sofa.
Swara- mom remember the day when we freed bade papa and badi maa from bhaiyaa's clutches. [sujata nodded] that day on call with sanskar when we were stuck here, I tried to stop sanskar but he just said that our relation is over. I was angry and upset with him. And then, laksh's absence. Everything became so complicated between us.

Swara- that week it was getting difficult to handle ragini. She was being depressed each passing day as we didn't get any news about laksh and over that before the day we left, ragini heard the conversation between sanskar and police that there are very less chances and negligible hope of finding laksh. She was shattered and wasn't able to handle herself and ......[swara momentarily paused thinking about that day]

All elder maheshwari's have been in temple doing a pooja for laksh safety and return. Swara entered ragini's room with glass of juice and was shocked to see ragini who has just cut her nerves on the wrist and blood was flowing like a fountain. [ guys I saw once when my bhabhi was wearing bangles and her bangles broke and a piece cut her wrist over the nerve and got inserted there. Blood flew out of her nerves like a fountain and we all immediately anyhow took the glass piece out and stopped the blood flow. Just in few seconds she lost so much of blood and we all were panicked]

Swara rushed to ragini and held her wrist pressing over the cut to stop the blood flow.
Swara- ragini...ragini... yeh.. what have you done. [panicked and crying] oh..god...what should I do?

Swara tied a handkerchief around her wrist and immediately called the doctor. Ragini was sitting static, immovable. After talking to doctor she shook ragini hard to bring her to senses.

Swara- ragini... for god's sake say something [again shook her] say something god damit.
Ragini- laksh won't come back swara. He won't.[she burst in tears]
Swara- ragini sanskar is finding him. He will come. You don't worry. And this do you realise what you did. How could you do so?

Ragini- I don't want to live swara. I heard sanskar talk with police and they said that there is no chance of finding laksh. He left me swara. If only sanskar wouldn't have picked stone to hit him and wouldn't have fought with him then may be laksh wouldn't have gone. If sanskar would have talked to laksh and tried to make him understand then may be laksh would have been here. And now sanskar couldn't find him.....laksh left us swara....laksh..le.f..t.
Ragini fainted due to blood loss. Swara was highly tensed. No one was there at home to handle the situation. But thankfully the doctor arrived as they were nearby. They quickly treated ragini and while checking her up they found that ragini was pregnant.

Getting news of her pregnancy, ragini was elated but sad at the same time because laksh wasn't there. Swara scolded her a lot and then assured her that laksh will return. Ragini asked forgiveness from swara and took promise from swara not to tell her pregnancy news to anyone and that she will wait for laksh's return. They decided not to tell anyone about the suicide and ragini promised to not repeat her mistake again.

The event went by but ragini's words abou the fight and sanskar were imprinted in her mind and so the next day when swara lost her calmness she spoke all those that were in her mind forgetting everything in her anger that to whom and what she is speaking and when she realised the situation a bit by sanskar's warning ragini's hold on her hand while she was saying something to her made swara look at the small bandage on ragini's wrist which left her with no option to think upon at that moment but to go to badi. Without thinking of further consequences swara took her steps outside mm.

Flashback over.
Sujata- [shook swara] where you got lost. If you don't have to say anything then why are you wasting my time.
Swara- haan. Mom ragini tried to suicide that day. Do you remember the bandage on her hand. it was because she had cut her wrist. She wanted to suicide. [sujata shockingly was going to speak loud but swara held her hand and gestured her not to speak] None of you were home, and I didn't know what to do. Somehow I called doctor and ragini was treated and we knew about her pregnancy. She wanted to keep it hidden till laksh was found and in that condition I didn't think before speaking to sanskar in anger and frustration.

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