"Be more careful next time", he scolds, glaring down at his daughter. She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It wasn't my fault, I didn't see it". Ban rolls his eyes.

"Exactly, make sure to look around and don't break anything. Now they'll have their guards up". The teenager sighed, her arms falling to her side.

"I'm sorry". Ban lets out a long breath and pets her head affectionately, sending her a soft smile.

"It's fine. Anyway, let's split up. You make some noise and draw the Mage away while I get (Y/n)". Ava gave her father a thumbs up before running off down the corridor. The blue-haired male watched her until she disappeared around the corner before making his way towards the second staircase. Earlier, instead of entering from one of the bridges higher up he found an open window and decided to use it to enter the castle instead. It was the easiest way to get in without anyone seeing them.

He ran up the staircase and kept going, stopping when he reached the top. He looked left and right before running down the corridor, trying to find the next staircase. It took a while until he was exactly where he needed to be, the bridge which leads to the highest tower. As cliche as it sounded, it made the most sense, he was going to find his princess in the tallest room of the tallest tower.

Ban ran across the bridge as fast as he could, stopping at the wooden door on the other side. He slowly opened it to find another set of stairs. He walked up, entering what looked to be a bedroom. Everything in there was amazing but the thing that caught his eye was the woman asleep on the four-poster bed. He walked further into the room, getting closer and closer to her. Ban knelt beside (Y/n), his face inches away from hers. Gently, he cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing it lovingly. His expression softened as he watched her sleep soundly, remembering the last time he had seen her before today.

He had awoken with her in his arms. Her head rested on his chest with her arms wrapped around him loosely. Just thinking about it made him smile, he couldn't help but just watch her.

"Nice to see you again, Ban", someone chuckled. He looked up, watching as Edward came up the stairs, a friendly smile yet mocking on his face. In shock, Ban pulled away from the woman, standing and taking a step away from her.

"It seems that you have come back to get (Y/n) even though she told you that she didn't want anything to do with you or the brat". With that, he gave a nod down the stairs. Morgan came up with Ava laying over his shoulder, unconscious. He walked forward and placed her in the middle of the floor, walking to stand by Edward's side.

"Ban, why don't you just give up? I mean she's just a woman, it's not like it's hard to find another one". Ban gritted his teeth and glared at the brunette.

"Then why do you want her, if she's so meaningless to you then you should find someone else". Edward chuckles and combs his fingers through his hair, his eyes watching the sleeping woman intensely.

"(Y/n) came to me after realizing that she didn't want a life with you, it was her choice and I welcomed her with open arms. It was a coincidence that we fell in love with each other". It was obvious that he was lying but the only way that they would be able to walk out of there with (Y/n) was if she said that she wanted to go.

While Ban and Edward exchanged words, Ava slowly gained consciousness. All that she could remember was breaking another vase and hiding behind a statue for a minute before blacking out. The back of her head hurt a lot, she reached up and touched it, hissing in pain. In the back of her head was a large lump, she assumed that she had been hit by something. She pushed herself up on to her hands and knees.  The first thing she saw was her mother laying on the bed not too far away from her. She quickly stood and ran towards the bed, passing her father and hugging her mother's sleeping body tightly.

"Mum, come back to us. We miss you", she whispered, her vision becoming blurry. Rather than getting the reaction of disgust she had gotten earlier that day she heard a giggle.

"Five more minutes, Avacado". Ban's eyes widened along with Ava's. But as (Y/n) woke up she pushed Ava away from her. Ava moved closer to her mother, looking her directly in the eye.

"Mum are you in there! Mum! Please!", she begged, tears rolling down her cheeks and dripping off her chin.

"Enough!", Edward shouted suddenly. The room went silent as all eyes landed on him, watching him adjust his jacket. He cleared his throat, laughing awkwardly.

"(Y/n) obviously doesn't want to leave so please get out". Without hesitation Ban stood up, making his way over to Ava. The traumatized expression on her face told him that she wasn't ready for anything. He picked her up, letting her hide her face in his chest as he made his way out.

The two were now walking through the forest, on their way back to the Boar hat when Ava finally moved. She looked up at the sky with the largest smile on her face, tears still streaming down her face.

"What's up?", Ban asks, obviously concerned. She smiled even wider, closing her eyes as she moved closer to father.

"She's still there".

Sorry, it's been a while. Hope this chapter is alright, it's about 1600 words or something like that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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