7. Found

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The boar hat stopped moving as mama Hawk settled into the earth. Ava leapt out of the window and began running towards the forest, stopping only when Gowther caught her by the back of her cloak. "He have to wait for the others", he says monotonously. The blue-haired girl sighed and sat on the grass. Dianne left the tavern, crouching by her side. "You feeling alright?", the brunette asks. Ava lets out a long breath, resting her face in her hands. "I just really want to find her, not only for me... but dad too". She glanced over at a disheveled man, all of this was really getting to him. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He slouched as he walked, not bothering to look up at anyone or say a word. Dianne placed a hand on Ava's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, we'll find her and then everything will go back to the way it used to".

Once all of the sins were out of the boar hat they headed towards the entrance of The thieves forest, immediately spotting a holy knight. "I'm glad that you are here", they said, bowing their head lightly. Meliodas stepped forward and greeted the holy knight. "The king said that you had some more information", he said. The holy knight nodded. "We have discovered a castle deep within the thieves forest, it's so deep that not even the people who dwell there would bother to go. We're unsure of how long it's been there or who lives there but this is where all evidence of the kidnappings lead". Meliodas smiles. "Thank you, show us the way and we'll follow".

"How long do you think it'll take to get there?", King asks, floating on his pillow. He glances towards the blue-haired man, hoping to receive a comment about him being lazy. Instead he kept his red eyes on the ground, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. Ava walked behind him, a concerned expression on her face. Even though the two didn't say a word the others could tell that they were hurting, they were just able to conceal it.


"Here we are", the holy knight announces. In front of the groups stood a tall castle, surrounded by naked trees. It truly was a scary-looking place but in a desperate time like this nothing was going to stop them from reaching their goal. The group walked forward, stopping in front of the large wooden door. The holy knight knocked loudly on the door, taking a step back as they awaited an answer. A second later a middle-aged man appeared, poking his head out. "How can I help you?", he asks monotonously. "We'd like to speak to the owner of the household", Meliodas says. "We have a warrant to search the place as part of investigating the case of the missing women". The man nods his head and steps back, allowing the door to open more. "Come in, I'll go get Lord Edward right now". The group watched as the man hurried away, obviously not too happy with their company.

It wasn't too long until he returned with a young man by his side, he had slicked back brown hair and wore expensive looking clothing. "I am Edward the second of Dystomotem, how may I help you?", he asks. Ban stepped forward, glaring daggers at him. He kept walking forward until he was centimetres away from Edward. "Where is (Y/n), you bastard?!", he growled, reaching up to grab the smaller man by the shirt. But before he could even touch him, he froze in place. His eyes widened as he was unable to move at all. "I apologise for having to use magic on you but I'll have to ask you to step away from Lord Edward". Ban feels himself able to move again and lets out an irritated growl, taking a step back.

"As for Lady pockets, I can assure you that she is safe", Edward chuckles. Ava's eyes widened as she walked over to the brunette, a concerned expression on her face. "Where is she?". Edward glances the middle-aged man and sends him a nod. "She'll be down in a minute".

Down the stairs came the familiar figure of (Y/n), she wore a long, elegant dress and a flower crown rested on top of her head. She looked over the group, not even reacting. She immediately made her way over to Edward, standing beside him. "(Y/n)", Ban breathed out as he walked towards her. He longed for her warmth and comfort, he wanted to feel her in his arms again. He attempted to to hug her but she took a step back, avoiding contact. He froze, this time without magic. His heart ached, wanting his lover to return to him. "(Y/n)?", he called quietly. She moved closer to Edward, latching onto his arm. "I don't want to see him", she whispered, loud enough for the others to hear. Ban's eyes fixated on Edward, his glare returning. "What did you do to her?", he growled. "Nothing really, I just reminded of the 11 years she spent alone. After that she realised that you never truly loved her and she fell in love with me". Ban was so mad that he couldn't even speak. Ava walked forward, catching her mother's attention. "Mum, what about us? You can't just leave us, we're family". She shook her head and glanced at her daughter, her face holding no emotion. "I want nothing of his".

Ouch, that hurt. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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