1. Perfect

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Meliodas sat across from the king, watching as Elizabeth carried a bottle of wine towards their table. She placed the bottle on the table along with three glasses, filling each one halfway with the deep purple liquid. Once she finished she took a seat beside the blonde male, looking over at her father. "What is it that you called us here for?", she asks concern lacing her voice. Her father sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You may have heard this already but all over the country women are being taken". Elizabeth gasped, holding her hands over her mouth. "What would they possibly want all of those women for?", she asks innocently. The king shakes his head, looking down at the table. "We are unsure, so far we have no useful evidence that points out the motive or location of where they've been taken. I've had some holy knights look deep into the thieves forest, everything we've got so far leads to there". Elizabeth looked down at her feet as she remembered her last experience in that horrid place. "So what would you like us to do?", Meliodas asks. "Go into the forest and look around, I'd be worried for my knights in there but you guys are much stronger than they are so I trust that you'll succeed. Do your best to track down those women, more go missing every day and I'd hate to see them start to go missing from here. Especially if they took Elizabeth or Ban's (Y/n)". Meliodas chuckles, running his fingers through his blonde locks. "Don't worry about those two, I'll protect Elizabeth and (Y/n) can protect herself, it's also not likely that Ban would ever leave her alone either. Those two are always together". The king nods. "I understand but we still must be careful, we don't know their motive so we have no clue what is happening to those poor women at this very moment".

With you and Ban
"And then I killed the demon". You rolled your eyes as you walked by Ban's side. "You change the story every time you tell it", you chuckle, rolling your eyes. He smirks down at you, his red eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones. "That just means I'm telling a different story every time, you should be grateful". You snicker and playfully elbow him in the side. "Grateful for what? Hearing your bullshit story again". He nods his head, smiling cheekily. "Okay then, if that story wasn't good enough, listen to this one". You turn your face up to him, giving him all of your attention. "One day I watched a young woman steal from wealthy people and giving to the less fortunate". You returned your gaze to the path ahead of you. "And afterward when I confronted her she didn't want anything to do with me, I was heartbroken", he gasps, acting over dramatic. You let out an unimpressed tch. "You were not heartbroken". "Oh yes I was, it was love at first sight". Your face heated up. "It was not, it was annoyance at first sight, baka". He chuckles and leans back, resting his hand behind his head as he walked. "The most beautiful girl I had ever lay eyes upon, I couldn't leave her so I wanted her to accept me as her partner so I could get her to fall in love with me". You narrow your gaze, glaring at him. "And what happened after that?". He bite his lips as his eyes widened, avoiding your gaze. "Yeah about that...", he trails off.  You nodded in agreement. "You know why I don't like this story". "But it worked out in the end, didn't it?". You couldn't help but smile. "I guess it did".

After a while of walking you found the two of you walking out of town. "Where are we going?", you ask, raising an eyebrow at the light blue-haired man. He smirks, sending you a glance from the corner of his eye. "It's a surprise". You sighed and combed your fingers through your hair. Suddenly Ban picks you up and begins running with you over his shoulder. "W-what are you doing?", you ask, looking around as he runs further into the forest. After a few minutes he stops and puts you down, placing his hands over your eyes. "Why are you covering my eyes?", you ask, slightly annoyed. "Just go with it". You sigh and give in, letting him lead you. Eventually he stops and unveils your eyes exposing the beautiful view of the full moon reflecting off of the water of a crystal clear lake. Your mouth fell open as you turned your head towards the scarred male. "W-wait a minute, why?". He smirks and takes your hand, bringing it to his lips as he places a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Today is the 16th anniversary of the day we met". Youe eyes wided even more. "And you forgot?", he asks with a smirk. You looks down at your feet and give a slow nod. "Well that doesn't matter, I just want to ask you a question first". He lowers his posture, reaching for the pocket of his jacket. "(Y/n), will you-". "Aha, we caught you!".

You and Ban both turn your heads to the side to see Ava and her friend Victor standing not too far away from the two of you. Now at the age of 15 Ava's light blue hair had grown very long, having it plaited down her back. "Ava what are y-". "No dad, what are you doing? Trying to be romantic again?!", she accuses with a laugh. Her friend stands awkwardly by her side. He grabs her arm and pulls her back, whispering into her ear. "Oh shit, Victor why didn't you tell me before?", she hisses quietly. "Well you two can get right back to what you were doing before, see ya". She then begins walking off with the raven-haired boy by her side. "What the hell was that?", you wonder aloud. Ban sighs and returns to his low posture, getting down on one knee. "As I was saying before we were interrupted, will you marry me?", he asks, pulling a velvet box from his pocket. He opens it, revealing a beautiful (f/c) gem on a gold ring. Your eyes widen, filling to the brim with tears. "W-what? Did I do something wrong?", Ban panicks. You run to him, hugging him tightly. "Yes, you idiot". So far your life was playing out the way you wanted it to, everything seemed perfect.. or so you thought....

It's been a long time since I wrote the first part of my Ban x reader and people were really pumped to get a sequel so here it is. Hope you enjoy. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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