Twenty-two: Her Tiredness

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{Funneh Williams}
It's been 3 years since me and Alec started dating and now we're engaged and I'm starting college in 2 weeks and me and Alec are moving in together. Our apartment is right next to Prince and His girlfriend and they are really annoying because they yell not at each other but at Prince's Mom for some reason. I was laying on the hard-wood floor till Alec nudged my foot. "You have to get up." "No I'm good." I rolled over on my stomach. "Babe please get up." I shake my head. "Fine your decision." He grabbed my ankles and dragged me to the couch. "Why?" "Because I need to put the rug down." I roll off the couch. "Baby please." "No I like the floor." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Please can you just do me this one thing." He asked me. "Sure what is it." "Go lay down on the bed please." I sighed and went the bedroom. I slept for 5 hours and I woke up at 10:45 and I saw Alec sleeping beside me. I look outside the window and all the street lights are on early tonight. "When did you wake up?" I look beside and see Alec looking at me. "A couple of minutes ago." I hugged him. "I'm sorry." "For what?" He rubbed my back. "I was in your way when you didn't want me to be." "It's fine baby I know you been tired lately."
{Alec Ash}
Funneh has been extremely tired lately and I feel bad I can't do anything about her worrying about that she getting in my way. She doesn't I hate that she always apologize to me even though she knows that's it's okay. "You okay." "Yea I'm Fine I don't know why I'm so tired." She placed her head on my chest. "You what to go to the doctor in the mornings." She nods and close her eyes. "I love you." "I love you too." We got up in the morning and we went to the doctors I waited for 2 hours till Funneh came out. "Hey what did she say." "Umm...can we go home first." I shrugged and we went home. "Now what she say what's wrong." "Nothing's wrong it's just Umm...." She sat next to me on the couch. "I'm pregnant..."

I had my first day of school today and it was boring and I had homework on the first day so that's great high school sucks

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