The walls are painted a pristine egg white, casting a soft glow in the muted light filtering through the window. The hardwood floors, a warm tan hue, lend a sense of cosiness to the room, contrasting with the stark walls. A sturdy double bed, its duvet neatly folded at the foot, sits against one wall, and a simple desk occupies the corner, a solitary chair pulled up to it. Near the desk, a pair of double doors stand ajar, teasing a glimpse of sunlight filtering through the balcony beyond, beckoning with a gentle murmur of rustling leaves.

Jun-Seo rolls his suitcase into a corner of the room and sets his duffel bag on the bed before making his way over to the balcony doors. He gently slides open the glass doors, inviting in the gentle caress of the calm spring breeze. As the warm air moves through the room, there is a breathtaking view of the sun gracefully setting over the bustling city. The sky is painted with hues of orange, yellow, and red, seamlessly blending to create a mesmerizing tapestry of colours that stretches across the horizon. It's a serene moment, where the soft sounds of the city below fade into the background, allowing the peaceful beauty of the evening sky to take centre stage.

Thinking this is a great photo opportunity, Jun-Seo goes over to his duffel bag and pulls out his Polaroid camera. It's a familiar routine for him, having discovered his passion for photography a few years back - a passion that was generously fostered by his parents, who gifted him the camera on his birthday last year. The camera wasn't just a present; it was a solution to his perpetual struggle with storage shortage on his phone, a challenge he faced due to his insatiable desire to capture every moment through his lens. The brunette finds solace in the unique charm of the fuzzy filter that graces his photographs, imparting a distinct warmth and character to his shots. While his photography skills are a work in progress and may not yet rival those of professionals, he hopes to get there one day.

After finding the right position for the picture, Jun-Seo carefully adjusts the camera angle to capture the perfect shot, ensuring every detail is just right. Once the photo prints, he eagerly inspects it, his eyes lighting up with satisfaction. Delighted with the result, he reaches into his duffel bag and pulls out his photo journal, a treasure trove of his photography journey through the years. Flip by flip, the journal is teeming with memories captured through the lens of his camera, each page telling a unique story. Luckily, Jun-Seo manages to find an empty page. He peels back the film and then places the Polaroid down on the sticky area.

A knock on the door catches his attention. "Come in," he calls out. The door opens and Naeun peers inside. "Hey, just wanted to see what you're up to," she says.

"Just unpacking. What h-h-happened with the room?"

"We settled it over rock, paper, scissors,"


"And, rock beats scissors," Naeun remarks with a triumphant expression on her face, causing Jun-Seo to chuckle softly in response to her playful victory. "So, how're you doing? I know you weren't so excited about moving out here."

"I'm fine," Jun-Seo responds flatly. "Are you sure?" Naeun asks sceptically, her brows furrowing as she studies his expression, unconvinced by his nonchalant response.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Jun-Seo finally gathers the courage to express his innermost thoughts, revealing, "I...I guess I'm a little s-s-scared about starting school,"

"Thought so," Naeun sighs. "I-I just don't see why I have to go, what was w-wrong with homeschooling?" Jun-Seo complains.

"Nothing, but wouldn't being around people your age be nice? You could find people who have the same interests as you and make some friends,"

"I've never been good at making f-f-friends,"

"Did you ever really try though?"

Jun-Seo found himself unable to disagree. It's not that others hadn't approached him before; he was too hesitant to pursue anything.

"Hey, I understand that this might be unfamiliar to you and it can feel like a lot to handle. But trust me, if you take a chance and embrace it, there's a world of possibilities waiting for you.," Naeun encourages him with a reassuring smile. "I believe in you so have a little faith in yourself, okay?" Jun-Seo listens intently, taking in her supportive words before offering a small smile and a subtle nod,

Rin walks into the room having heard their voices. "Hey, mum wants us to help with dinner," he tells them. "We're coming," Naeun says then holds her hand out to Jun-Seo who smiles and accepts it.

As the kids make their way downstairs, they find Do-Yeon on the phone with someone. "Hey guys, look who called," Do-Yeon says excitedly, turning the phone towards them. On the screen, their other mom, Jungwha, beams at them with a warm smile, eager to catch up with the kids.

"Hello, my babies," Jungwha cheers, waving at the screen. "Eomma!" The kids exclaim joyfully, their faces lighting up as they gather around the phone.

"We miss you so much," Naeun says. "I miss you guys too, I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help with the move. Did everything go okay?" Jungwha asks.

"Everything's fine, we're all moved in so you don't need to worry," Do-Yeon assures her. "How is your Exhibit going?" Rin asks.

"Better than I expected, it's doing so well that they're thinking about booking more dates,"

"But, that means you'll be gone l-l-longer," Jun-Seo voices. "Yeah, that is possible, but I'll always discuss things with you first. We'll deal with it as a family, like always," Jungwha assures them. Jun-Seo hums lowly in response, a small frown tugging at his lips.

At that moment something catches Jungwha's attention on her end. "Shoot, the VIPs are here, "I'm sorry to cut this short, guys. But I promise I'll call you tomorrow before you head off to school, okay? I love you guys." She says, blowing a kiss to them. The others wish her good luck before the call ends.

"Well that sucks," Rin sighs. "Yeah, I thought her trip was only meant to be a few weeks," Naeun adds, disappointment evident in her voice.

"So did I, but these things happen and this project is really important to your eomma so we've got to do what we can to support her," Do-Yeon says. "Yeah, I guess so," Naeun huffs.

"Alright, now, what do you guys want to do for dinner?"

"Let's eat Samgyetang," Rin suggests. "Yah, you got to pick what we ate last night," Naeun retorts.

"Yeah, but you always want Budae Jjigae,"

As the twins continue to argue, Do-Yeon turns to Jun-Seo. "Do you think they'd notice if we left right now?" She asks, eliciting a light laugh from the younger. "That's enough, you two. How about we just go out to dinner and you order whatever you want?"

The twins exchange knowing looks, almost silently communicating through their shared bond, before coming to a mutual understanding. Do-Yeon shakes her head at them, a fond smile playing on her lips as she grabs her car keys and ushers them out of the house.

Later that night, as Jun-Seo prepares for bed and opens his wardrobe, he is greeted by the sight of his neatly hung school uniform. A soft sigh escapes his lips as a wave of unease sets in, creating a knot in his stomach that refuses to dissipate. Even as he lies in bed, the uncertainty of what the future holds keeps him restless and anxious, causing him to repeatedly shift and twirl until the first light of dawn breaks through the window, reflecting the turmoil inside his mind that refuses to settle in the silent hours of the night. 

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